Dec 14, 2003 07:57
Why is it people get so confused with minute there all preppy yay, the next there not. One minute you work at the Gap, the next youre all hardcore and work at hot topic...bwhahaha some people for real. Without these clowns my day would not be as entertaining, so really thank you, and your extra long stretched out looking face! *winks*
Ashley youre the greatest no doubt! :) always there to make fun of ugly ass wanna bes with me...rock!
Still fucking sick out of my mind....coughing like im fucking about to die. Lastnight was by far the worst i have felt in a long time though, laying in bed coughing till i had to get up and puke, it was fucking miserable. i was out and had to come home at like 11:30 because i just wanted to go to bed.
Rawr.....cough syrup is the most discusting stuff ever. am i the only one who has a hell of a time taking it. for real i will take a shot of it and i almost puke, its that nasty to me. and that taste stays in your mouth for like 20 years.. blah
So i Started my detective work the other day, made some calls....heh i hope i dont change my mind now, cus its way to late. I dont know if what i did was right.....but as soon as its all done with im going to be laughing my ass off, kim and dave can only bail you out of so