Jan 28, 2006 13:50
Saw Rent again last night. I can't wait till it comes out on DVD. I also bought Superstar yesterday for no apparent reason. So now my movie collection consists of Moulin Rouge, West Side Story, and Superstar. Before you know it my collection will rival Jenna's (lol, yeah right!).
I need to do a lot of reading but I'm still not very motivated to do it. Perhaps I'll go with my friend Emily and we can have a "reading party" lol. Maybe if I just get out of the house and away from the internet I could concentrate more. We'll see.
In other news, I'm going ice skating tomorrow! It's so much fun and it's free this time which is even more amazing. We're going with all the other language houses.
Tonight: I kind of want to go out, but I don't know if anyone else if up for going out.