Nov 05, 2008 10:37
This is just the way I am.
I feel exactly what I want to feel.
I feel okay, because I said what was true,
I can't say anymore than what is true.
It will probably always be true,
Probably until I'm old or dead.
I'm going to do what I need to do but,
truth be told,
it doesn't change anything.
I used to lock myself away,
I used to not know who I am,
I used to be someone different,
The only thing that didn't change was what I wanted.
Maybe there are somethings that we don't remember
but we can't forget.
Why do people feel the need to be so full of hate. If McCain had won this election I wouldn't have been thrilled but I also would have changed my facebook status to "Good job America, you just elected the AntiChrist."
I'm really tired of everyone bitchy and not doing anything about it. So, your candidate didn't win, okay, we move on and now you go out into your communities and start working on ways to help the people around you in these hard times. What good is it to sit in your homes with yourself and do nothing but bitch at the news. The President is not truly the catalyst for change. We are change. Change is not a grand thing. It is not something that one person does and it is not something that one person does in one day. It is an ever occurring, ever evolving being. Happiness and Hope are wonderful, they are the ideal, but they don't come from a new President, they come our willingness to be human beings with compassion and dedication.
One Person can convince us that they deserve to be president because of these characteristics and we love them for that because it means that they will be the good face for America but it is us, as citizens of this country, that need to be the good face.
Every four years half of America is going to be disappointed at the end of the election. We need to start getting used to this. It's only been happening for 200 years or so. I just wish people would stop spending so much time assuming and preaching about how right they are and start spending time accepting change (regardless of what it is). I don't want to hear that your right and I'm wrong. No one has any right to say that to me or anyone else. But I am willing to understand that we are different and I will listen to your beliefs and I will share mine with you but don't tell me you know you're right. Tell me you feel that you are right or that you have studied this and you know it to be right for you. (This is for all things, Religion, Politics, Inter-species relationships, I don't know, whatever it is.)
We will never be a nation that agrees with itself but I wish we could be a country that actually cares about each other.
I'm being a little bit idealist right there are the end.