fic: Haven 9/?

Nov 17, 2009 16:00

Title: Haven
Rating: Teen to R
Pairing : No Pairing, gen,
Summary -- Christopher Pike is on the crew of the ship that relieves Tarsus IV. He finds a young orphan Jim Kirk in a cell, and decides to adopt him. Very dark at first.
WARNING. ....Torture. Genocide....Also, language. It’s a dark fic right now, will be fluffy later. We’re getting nearer the fluffy.
Notes: Please read and review. Also I've been having internet problems.

back to: part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight /

Pike woke in pain.

Someone was banging on his head with a hammer. At least it felt like it. His face was stuck to the whiskey bottle.

Oh. Right.

Well, he had enjoyed about ten Jim Kirk free seconds.

And then he’d woken up.

Hung over. Ugh.

Pike stumbled to the bathroom to wash his face. He grimaced as he caught his expression in the mirror. He looked like hell.

There were dark circles under both of his eyes, and he had a day’s worth of stubble on his chin. The uniform he’d slept in looked like it was wrinkled beyond repair. His crew would be shocked to see him like this.

Hell, anyone would be shocked to see him like this.

Christopher Pike was always perfect, pristine, and unflappable. He was never late, never unprepared, never wrinkled, never affected. It was something that both impressed and annoyed both his crew and his superiors.

But Pike had never minded pissing people off.

Looking at himself, he decided that there was no way a simple face wash was going to cut it this morning. He dragged himself into the shower and turned the water on as hot as it could go. Then he cursed and remembered that there were more people on the crew than just humans, and adjusted the dial back to a more neutral setting.

He grabbed the soap and allowed his thoughts to wander.

If Jimmy Kirk lived, he’d have no place to go.

It was a big if.

Jimmy had so many injuries that there was no way anyone could really expect him to make it. Adding to the litany of complaints Pike had heard the day before, was the fact that Jimmy’s back was now infected, and the boy had borderline septicemia, along with a high grade fever.

It had been five days since Pike had brought Jimmy back to the ship with him, the boy nearly dead in his arms as Pike worked fervently to force the kid’s lungs to breathe. The more superficial of the injuries had been healed already. Adamson had worked some magic on the boy’s skin and musculoskeletal system. Jimmy didn’t look as much of a mess now as he had when Pike had met him.

But he wasn’t getting better.

It was like the kid’s immunity and regeneration systems had just given up. Like they’d quit and dies. His heartbeat was still chaotic; his brain wave patterns were frighteningly erratic. The kid was still in renal failure.

It was like the boy’s body had just…had enough.

Had enough.

Pike thought it sounded about right.

He wasn’t sure that he could have live through everything that had happened to Jimmy.

No wonder his eyes always looked old. The boy had probably aged ten years in ten seconds when he decided to help those other kids.

Pike wondered about how strong the kid must have been to have survived all this. It indicated that Jimmy was strong, so he might make it. On the other hand, some people survived long enough to hand off their burdens and then they collapsed once they knew that everyone else was safe.

You didn’t often get those people back, Pike knew.


He had already lost George and Winona. He was not prepared to lose their son as well.

Pike dimly wondered what exactly Jimmy had been going after when he went back to the cabin. Surely, Jimmy must have known it was a huge risk. So obviously it was something tremendously important to the kid.

He wondered if having it would help Jimmy to heal at all.

Maybe he’d go and get it.

The other kids could probably help him out with that.

He had to shake himself as an image of Jimmy unconscious presented itself in his head. Grey skinned, face down, the welts on his back clearly visible as he lay, face down and motionless on the cabin floor.

The doctor had told him the back would scar. There was some evidence that Jimmy had been whipped more than once, and there were older scars present. The new marks had been dirty and infected, and there was only so much a dermal regenerator could do.

Pike saw again the picture of the unconscious boy and the criss-crossing marks upon his back.


He should have done something different. He should have stunned the bastard. It would have risked hitting Jimmy though.

And sometimes when people were frail in health and stunned at close range, they never woke up.

But truth to tell, Pike hadn’t really been thinking at the time.

Pike slapped the water off in disgust. He should have been faster to realize there was something wrong.

He pulled a towel from the wrack only to hiss as it touched his skin.

He’d scrubbed himself raw in places, he’d been so distracted.


The kid was weighing on his mind more than he’d thought.

Pike rubbed a hand over his weary eyes. He ought to go back to sleep. But the one thing Pike really wanted was a hangover hypo. Well, if he went down to sickbay, he could check on Jimmy.

The decision made, he pulled on a fresh uniform and left his quarters.

Sickbay was unchanged.
Everything about sickbay was unchanged.

Everyone in sickbay was unchanged.


The report from Dr. Adamson indicated that the medical staff was going to attempt to rebuild Jimmy’s heart, lungs, liver and kidneys on a cellular level to see if they could be encouraged to perform their respective functions. The boy would be kept in stasis until such time as his organs could be replaced, and then …well, they would see.

Unfortunately, the exhaustion, dehydration, malnutrition and starvation were not things that could be cured artificially. Only time could help those.

It sucked for those that cared about the kid.

Of which, there weren’t many left.

Just him. And the kids.

But on that note, Pike had things to do.

He reluctantly pulled himself away from Jimmy’s bed, resisting the urge to pet the kid’s hair.

Where the hell had that feeling come from?

Pike wasn’t a tactile guy.

Oh this was just getting better and better.

It had been decided at yesterday’s staff meeting that Jimmy’s kids (JT’s kids, Pike corrected himself), were going to have to be kept separate from the colonists which Kodos had chosen to live. The kids were extremely hostile to the colonists, and frankly, the colonists were hostile to the kids.

Not like they had any right to be.

Pike mentally slapped himself.

You aren’t supposed to take sides, Chris.

JT’s kids were going to be beamed aboard the Constellation for the duration of the ship’s stay at the planet. Arrangements were being made for quarters and supervision of the children. Pike personally thought it would be good for the medical staff to keep a close eye on how well the children were coping, as well as how well they were eating.

But the coping thing was going to present a problem when they discovered their leader in sickbay.

The whole command team had debated that particular issue.

Many of the officers thought the boy should just be transferred back down to the planet.

Adamson was absolutely unwilling to allow Jimmy to be moved to another ship or facility. Pike had been pleased by the steadfast resolution in the normally passive doctor. But the kid’s condition was too perilous for any kind of travel, even by transporter.

They still had the problem of having not found Kodos. They were no closer to finding out who the man had been before the revolution, or if he still lived.

Against his better judgment, Pike had told the captain about Jimmy knowing Kodo’s identity. He hadn’t wanted to reveal that secret, but he was of the opinion that it might help Captain Moritari in his decision to keep the boy on the ship.

Ben Moritari was a good man. He’d understood immediately, and made the decision that Jimmy would stay on the Constellation, though he would be kept in isolation. Then Moritari had asked Pike not to inform anyone else of Jimmy’s knowledge until he could confer with Command. Pike had agreed without hesitation.

Keeping Jim Kirk safe had already become second nature.

Moritari had given him an interesting look and commented that it was shame Jimmy no where to go if he recovered.

Pike had given an assessing grunt, but had made no further reply.

He wondered if his CO knew what he’d been contemplating.

Pike sighed.

The meeting adjourned with the fact that someone had to tell the kids what was going on. For some reason that he couldn’t presently remember, Pike had volunteered to do that. Maybe because he felt like Jimmy had entrusted those kids to him, and so Pike now felt like it was his responsibility to care for them.
He was pretty sure that most of them would be ok with living aboard a starship for a while. He wasn’t sure how any of them were going to take the news that JT was the in hospital and could not have visitors.

So after breakfast, Pike steeled himself and beamed down.

part ten

character:jimkirk, series:haven, fanfic, character:pike, fandom:startrek

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