New post up at my big-blog
WitchWords. An excerpt:
All of a sudden, it hit me with all the weight of a 10-ton truck on the freeway. The California Supreme Court, the final authority of my state, had given the green light to the idea that 51% of voters can strip or alter fundamental rights guaranteed by our State Constitution completely at will. My boyfriend held me while I cried and gasped, over and over between the sobs that shook me, "Why?" I never got farther than that, with tears choking me till I couldn't speak. I wasn't talking to him, anyway, nor really to the CASC. I was talking to the 52% of Californians who did this to me. This is what I wanted to ask:
Why do you hate us so much?
Why are my rights yours to vote on?
Why doesn't the constitution of my state protect me the way it protects you?
Why do you have the right to make me a second-class citizen?
Why, why, why, why?
Read the rest