Jun 03, 2004 21:25
My god my doctor is an asshole. Okay first I go in...slightly happy mood...and he walks in after I sit there forever. He doesn't even say Hi... or How Are You...no...just jumps in basically calling me fat. I mean no shit captain spanky, I know I'm fat. I'm not paying you to poke fun at my weight, if I wanted that I'd just find some asshole I went to school with and have them make fun of me for free.
Okay... after rolling with that..he asks me if there's any history of diabities in my family. I say no... (but of course he writes down on my chart that there is...he never listens) Then he asks me why I came in. I said just a checkup. I hadn't been in for 2 years...and I just wanted to make sure everything was working well. He looked at me like I was crazy!
Okay...he's a doctor...doctor's do checkups...correct? This asshole basically hauled me in for an hour...just to call me fat and tell me to come back to check my sugar. Well screw him, he's not worth the paperwork the insurance does to pay for him to be a pissant to people.
Needless to say, it made me feel just peachy. Yes asshole, I know I'm fat. Like I don't own a mirror *eyeroll* So I'm gonna drop the weight (wishful thinking is a hundred pounds by my next birthday) and go back just to tell him he can fucking choke on that degree for all I care.
Another thing...He's got the degrees to be my gyno too...and kept pushing that I should get examined. Okay... I know the jaggoff delivered me...but I don't want any guy but one down there for any reason whatsoever. So basically I've got more doctors appointments to make (dentist among others) so I can make sure I'm not gonna die in the next 10 minutes *Smirk*
So I'm gonna try to improve my mood and try to forget the damn doctor is still alive. Peace out