100 Things (crossovers that don't get enough love) #1: Smallville Fic Recs

Apr 19, 2012 12:00

Double Date Smallville/BtVS (Buffy/Lex, Dawn/Clark)
College!Clark asks Dawn-from-his-Astronomy-class on a date. Her sister's in town, though -- maybe she could double with Lex! Monsters. It doesn't end well.
I found this fic very giggle worthy, a short funny little fic (that spawned a not so short series)

An Englishman in Smallville (Legal Alien extended Remix) Smallville/BtVS (Lex/Xander)
remix of Hope's An Englishman in Smallville
Casefic with a nice steamy side of Lex/Xander (and a hint of Clark/LexUST)

Memory Smallville/BtVS
Clark Kent finds himself in the Magic Box when Willow's memory spell goes haywire during "Tabula Rasa". Now an amnesiac Clark has to deal with a whole bunch of strange people, vampires, and superpowers.
Dawn and Clark centric, I swear this fic makes me want to give Clark a big old hug, poor kid

Runaway Trains at 3 AM
Pop Quiz Question of the Day:
If a supernatural teenager from Sunnydale, California heads east at 70 mph,
while a super-powered teenager from Smallville, Kansas is heading west at 65
mph, at what time will they meet up in a Greyhound bus station in Denver?
This is the fic that made me start watching Smallville again after I lost track of it during it's second season. (Now if only I could find one to make me sit through it's 10th) Dawn is *so* not phased by Clark's 'not normalness' and Clark has no idea how to deal with that.

Just Another Tuesday Smallville/BtVS (Oliver/Buffy)
Buffy stops for coffee and meets a guy with a Robin Hood fetish.
Be sure to check out part 2, it's various manips the author has made. I like #7 :D

Just This Side of Elegant, But Baby I Can Act
Smallville/Supernatural (Oliver/Dean)
During a Hunt in Metropolis, Dean runs into one of the city's most notorious playboys.
Captured Dean rather well I think. (Well pre-series Dean)

Conditions Smallville/Supernatural (Oliver/Sam)
When after the same artifact, Sam and Green Arrow get caught in a parallel universe trap. As if that wasn't bad enough Sam's *really* distracted by Arrow's *tight* green leather...and just when they think they're going free...there are *conditions*
Cute 3k word fic about Oliver being a hottie in green leather and Sam appreciating it.

Waking To Her Wide Smile Smallville/Supernatural (Oliver/Jo)
Oliver/Jo - Smokey Bar/Strangers
Hungover Ollie dealing with morning person Jo after he passes out in her bar. Adorable ficlet

Little Black Dress Verse Smallville/Supernatural/Harry Potter (Dean, Lex and Draco)
Little Black Dress, as defined by Fanlore: Little Black Dress refers to a character who, like a little black dress, "goes with anything." These are characters who are easily paired with almost any other character, including crossover characters from other fandom.
The Dean & Lex interactions are ♥ and Draco is sad, yet compelling. My favorite kind of story, just little snippets out of a life leaving the reader to fill in the gaps on their own.

Outsiders Smallville/Harry Potter (Bart/Harry)
Sorcerer:Harry. Harry is rescued from the Dursley's by a caring neighbour and raised on the run in the US. He ends up in Smallville and finds himself in the middle of someone else's destiny trying to forge a life for himself.
Okay, take this one with a grain of salt. I have a VERY high tolerance for wierd shit in my crossovers, this one... well if you can make it through the first chapter (and Harry's name change, terrible scars and "silver streaked raven hair") I think you'll like the rest. WIP

Succulent Smallville/Firefly (Lex, Kaylee)
Lex learns to appreciate strawberries.
I appreciate Kaylee eating strawberries too *g*

The Things I Cannot Change Smallville/Firefly (Lex/Simon)
Something unexpected happens to Lex Luthor in the Kawatche Caves. And as a result, something really unexpected happens to Simon Tam aboard Serenity. Post Season 3 AU for Smallville, post-series-pre-movie for Firefly
Make sure you read the archive warnings on this one as it goes from fluffy to 'oh god no' kinda quick.

SmallvilleX: Evolution Smallville/X-Men Evolution (Clark/Rogue)
Clark ends up attending a certain school for the 'gifted'
I want to hold this fic and snuggle it and call it George. It's like comfort food fic. Long plotty and complete (with a sequel)

The Clock Ticks On Smallville/Doctor Who (Lex, The Master)
It's not just the world at his fingertips.
Just read it, it's 588 words and my fangirly squees would just spoil it.

Just Wait For It Smallville/Merlin (Lex/Arthur, Merlin/Arthur)
What the fuck, Merlin thought in utter shock, staring at Uther--Uther--across a rich mahogany desk in rural Suffolk, fate was like a bad Hollywood remake, then?
Reincarnated!Arthur and "I am older than your country. Do not fuck with me."!Merlin. Adorable

Like Heaven Smallville/Merlin (Chloe/Morgana)
When Chloe bumps into Morgana at MetU she doesn't realize that that event will change her life and her opinion on Arthurian Legend.
Reincarnation AU for Merlin, just par for the course for Smallville :D

I completely suck at bookmarking things, so please please please comment if you have anything to add to this list.

This entry was originally posted at http://jadeleopard.dreamwidth.org/86566.html.

+100things, smallville, !rec post, crossover

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