Title: Notorious
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose, Gabriel
Summary: As the events of 'Parting of the Ways' catch up with the Doctor, he gets a visitor who has a warning for him.
Rating: PG13
A/N: I couldn't resist writing this. I got wondering what would happen if the ninth Doctor met up with Gabriel and this scene popped into my head.
Warning: Spoilers for 'Parting of the Ways.
"She shouldn't have had that much power," an American accented voice said from behind the Doctor as he bent down to pick up Rose from the hard floor. The Doctor turned his head to see a man clad in all black approaching quietly.
"Who are you?" the Doctor asked, trying to ignore the prickle of pure power emanating from the other man as he gently picked up Rose and cradled her in his arms. "What do you want?"
"Chill, Doctor. If I was here to kill you, you'd already be dead. You and your pet human," the other man stated. "As I was saying, she shouldn't have had that much power flowing through her veins... She'd be a god and you know that that's frowned on by certain people." He looked around at the dust piles that were once Daleks. "Looks like I missed one hell of a party. I could've done with doing a bit of smiting myself."
"You never said your name."
"I have many names." The man tilted his head. "Speaking of pet humans, your other pet is coming this way." He walked over to the TARDIS and patted the side, almost like a rider calming down a skittish horse before pushing the Doctor through the now open door. "Better get her inside before he gets here or you pull off your Time Lord trick." The man followed the Doctor in. "Not even leaving a note for him saying 'Jack, I've left you here so you can fufill your duties saving the universe from Cardiff. See you in a hundred years or so' or something. That's cold, Dude."
Rose stirred as the Doctor lay her down on the floor and sat up. "What's going on? Who are you?"
The man scowled. "No one. Go back to sleep and let the grownups talk," he said, touching his fingers to her forehead and catching her as she slumped backwards. "She's just sleeping. She'll wake soon. She won't remember what she did while she was 'UberRose' and she won't remember me." His face was suddenly serious. "She's lucky that it was me that found her and not one of my brothers."
The Doctor bristled at the perceived threat. "What do you mean by that?"
"My brothers aren't so understanding when it comes to free will. They tend to smite first and ask questions later. Now, I like the humans. Tenacious little things. "
"Who are you? How did you find me?" The Doctor asked, sounding weary. The regeneration was starting and he hoped Rose would wake up soon before he changed face on her. The man snapped his fingers and the Doctor felt that his oncoming regeneration had halted for the moment. "Did you do something?"
"Yes. I held off your regeneration for a while. It's really hard to have a civil conversation with someone who's doubling over in pain every five minutes or so." The man rolled his eyes. "Come on, Doctor! Do you know how many places you've been? It would've been harder to find a place you hadn't been." He lowered his voice. "Now I've been asked to give you a warning. Keep your hubris in check or you will get punished." He suddenly smiled cruelly. "We approve of the universe saving thing so it won't be you that gets it."
"Who's we?"
The man smiled and snapped his fingers and the Doctor became aware of huge reddish gold wings erupting from the man's back. "Take a guess, Bucko."
"Oh. That's new."
"That's it? A guy comes in with an impressive wingspan and all you can say is 'that's new'? Times have certainly changed."
"Who are you?"
The man sighed. "You don't give up, do you? They call me Gabriel."
"Don't hurt my companions."
"Oh, please, I've been around before the universe was created. Do you really think a jumped up Time Lord with delusions of Godhood is going to stop me if I did want to mess with you and your companions?" Gabriel said, his wings rustling behind him. "Luckily for you, I'm on Team Humans. I've got the pom poms and the cheerleading outfit and everything."
"That's an... interesting mental image."
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? You just want to see me in a miniskirt, don't you? Not sure if this vessel has the legs for it though." He sighed. "Your darling companion will be waking up soon so you can go finally regenerate."
"Long story. Will explain later when you've settled into your new face." The man smirked. "You know, I'm quite fond of this face," he said, indicating his own. "If you want to change into something like this, I'd be flattered..."
"I'll keep it in mind."
"Yeah." Gabriel looked down at Rose. "Better wake her up before the big light show," he muttered. "Oh, and Doctor, if you're going to curse my name, make sure you know who you're dealing with first."
"You'll find out," Gabriel said. "Remember my warning, Doctor," he added ominously, before he snapped his fingers and vanished.
The Doctor suddenly groaned and doubled over in pain. Whatever Gabriel had done, it had faded away but as he saw Rose was beginning to stir from her nap, he pasted a smile on his face and turned to face her.