Fic: Connection (PG 13)

Jan 09, 2009 07:22

Yes, I know I'm twisted but I'm hoping this makes sense. LOL

Title: Connection

Rating: PG 13

Characters: Nineteen, Jack, Martha, Ianto, James (OC)

Summary: James goes to talk about the news. How will he take it?
Author's Notes: Not mine, only wish they were.

James climbed into the front seat of his friend's car and put his seatbelt on with a loud sigh. He was torn between happiness at seeing the Doctor again and dread. He wasn't exactly sure on how he felt. "Guess, the Doctor is definitely biologically female now," he muttered, jumping as the driver's door opened.

"How are you holding up?" Rob questioned, as he climbed in, buckled up and started his car. "You sure you want to do this?"

"Best to get it over with," James replied with a tight smile.

"How do you feel about it?"

"I don't know. I really don't."

"I won't pretend that I understand how the Doctor works," Rob pointed out. "I had difficulty adjusting to the new Doctor but now he's a girl?"

"Yeah. The ones I travelled, travel with, are the tenth and eleventh Doctors. The female one's the nineteenth. I get the feeling that I know all the Doctors between Ten and Nineteen. Maybe beyond."

"So what's the nineteenth like? Is she hot?"

James grinned at the memory. "Yeah. She turns up on my doorstep, waking me up on my day off. She convinces me it's her and..."

"You let her in."

"Well, yeah. Couldn't leave her outside."

"Then what?"

"I make her tea and then she practically jumps me."

"Nothing new there. Even when he was male the Doctor couldn't keep his hands off you. So there is a possibility..."

"Uh huh."


"Exactly. For all his, no, her talk about of being the higher species, things like this happen. He said that this was impossible. I insisted anyway. I know how accidents can happen... Well, not me personally. Although I wasn't sure that I could even, you know, since I came down with mumps a while back."

"It happened to you now. Was it during your travels with him? The mumps, I mean."

"No kidding. This has 'Jerry Springer episode' written all over it. No, Jeremy Kyle. One of those talk shows anyway." He nodded. "Yeah, it wasn't one of my best moments with him."

"Mm. We're here by the way," Rob stated, startling James, as he pulled to a stop.


"No problem. Do you want me to wait?"

"I'll insist Jack takes me back." James said with a smirk. "I'm very persistent. Thanks for the lift."

"Hey! No problem. I have to do some stuff anyway so it's no biggie."

After James had said goodbye to Rob, he walked over to the tourist office that served as a cover for Torchwood and opened the door. "Ianto!" he exclaimed, seeing the handsome young man standing behind the counter.

"Hello sir," Ianto said with a smile. "They're waiting for you. Coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks Ianto. Although, I feel a brandy may be more on the cards after this. Just call me James. Sir makes me think I'm my father." He winced at the word 'father' and Ianto made a note to ask him about it later.

"You're welcome, James. Go right down."

"You know you do smell nice," James commented with a smirk.

"Control yourself, Wolf-Boy."

"Being good," James said, holding his hands up in mock surrender as Ianto pressed the button so the wall swung open. "It feels like being back at Hogwarts," he commented with a teasing grin before he stepped through the wall, leaving Ianto to puzzle his comment out.

As he headed down to the main Hub, he mulled things over in his mind. How did he feel about it? What was he going to do? He wondered how the Doctor was taking this. How was that even possible?

The first thing he noticed when he stepped through the cog door was the female Doctor sitting down with a hand over her stomach with Jack and Martha hovering protectively around her. "It's true then?" he said, striding over.

"Of course it is," the female Doctor snapped back. "You don't think I'd lie about this, do you?" she growled, indicating her stomach, which James noticed had a slight bulge to it.

"I was hoping it was a prank then all I'd have to do is start cooking with all those tins of prunes that we have in the storeroom at work in revenge." James stated with a smirk.

"You wouldn't?!" Jack exclaimed, looking horrified.

"I would. Besides, prunes are very good for the digestion so we might as well feed them to the Doctor anyway. She's going to need it."


"You said we weren't compatible. Something about you being of a higher species and that you were only compatible with another Time Lord. Compatible to shag but not to... share genes with."

"Well, not exactly," the Doctor hedged, taking a deep breath. "I'm also compatible with Martha, due to the genetic transfer-Lazarus machine, Donna because of the Metacrisis thing, Rose and Jack because of the Time Vortex and you... because of your genetic make-up and hybrid nature..."

"Oh wonderful," James muttered. "I feel so special to be included in the compatibility column. I insisted that we use protection anyway, just in case... Are you sure it's mine?"

"Anyway, I ran some tests and because you're so, um, unique," Martha interjected, hoping to stop the argument before it could start, "well, it's definitely yours..."

"Oh no!" James exclaimed, his face going pale again as he plopped down on the sofa next to the female Time Lord, "I'm... Oh, fuck!" he muttered, leaning forward and burying his face in his hands. "I've never had this before," he stated, his voice muffled by his hands. "I can't..."

"Calm down, James, just breathe," Jack said, placing his hands on the red head's shoulders.

"I take it you told him then?" Ianto pointed out as he handed the coffees, and tea for the Doctor, around. "He looks like he's seen a ghost."

"He took it quite well," Jack answered Ianto as he accepted his coffee, "considering that it's him and he can be a little cranky," he said in a low voice.

"I can hear you, you know. What are you going to do, Doctor?" James asked, finally looking the female Time Lord in the eyes. "I mean, I'm guessing you're grounded here until it's born," he elaborated.

"Oh you know, stay in the TARDIS, be subjected to Martha's daily tests, put up with Jack... the usual."

"Hey!" Jack protested.

"Oh, right. You're taking this calmly," James accused. "Did you plan this?"

"And you're skittish. Hardly, since you're the last person I'd expect to have a child with."

"Gee thanks," James growled, trying to hide his hurt feelings under his usual exterior. "Nice to know how you really feel about me, Doctor." He stood up. "Well, if I'm not needed any more, I'm going home."

The female Time Lord grabbed the red head's arm and pulled him back down. "I didn't mean it like that and you know it."

fanfiction, character: jack harkness, character: james (oc), character: martha jones, series: the james tales, character: nineteenth doctor, character: ianto jones

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