Drabbles: Master Changes/The Sound Of Bells (PG13)

Jun 18, 2008 10:37

Title: Master Changes

Characters: Tenth Doctor, Martha, Master

Rating: PG13

Summary: The Master opened his eyes and found he was pressed against someone's chest and the owner of the chest was stroking the top of his head. The Master is not himself.

Author's Notes: Not mine, only wish they were. Takes place sometime after the season 3 finale. Written for the '1001 Whovian Nights Drabbles of Awesome'

The Master opened his eyes and found he was pressed against someone's chest and the owner of the chest was stroking the top of his head. "Mm, that feels good... Huh?" he managed, trying to look around him. When no danger presented itself for the moment, he closed his eyes again, relaxing under the ministrations of the hand.

"So that's the Master?" a voice that the Master recognised as Martha Jones asked. "He's so cute."

"Yup," the Doctor answered, popping the 'p' loudly.

'Have I regenerated again?' the Master wondered. He opened his mouth to tell Martha what a stupid ape she was, but all that came out of his mouth was an indignant miaow. His eyes flew open. 'Did I just...?" He looked down at his body and noticed he was in a very undignified pose. Luxurious black fur covered his stomach, four black furred limbs were sticking up in the air and a long black tail was waving hypnotically in front of his face. 'What the Hell?' He squirmed as Martha ran a finger on his stomach and couldn't quite stop the purr that escaped his throat. 'No! That's Martha Jones, the human that ruined all your plans. You hate her... Oh, that does feel nice...'

"Why a cat, Doctor?"

"Well, you know how cats are. Isn't he adorable?"

"Yes, but if he's going to be a space faring cat, he'll have to go to the vet first."


"To have all his shots and maybe get..," Martha answered, making a snipping motion with her fingers above his stomach.

The Master realised where Martha was going with that comment, and what she was trying to say, and wriggled in the Doctor's arms. 'No! I won't let her! She's mean!' He glared at Martha and let out a loud hiss that ended in an unearthly yowl which conveyed his feelings on that matter plainly. His tail swished angrily.

"Martha! Not in front of the Master!" the Doctor protested, trying to calm down the Master in his arms. He yelped as the Master practically scrabbled up his arm and clung on to him with sharp claws.

"Fine! But if he starts marking his territory, you clean it up. He will needs his shots though. Can't have him catching anything, can we?" Martha stated in a no nonsense tone of voice as she gave the Master a stroke on the top of his head.

"No, guess not," the Doctor answered, pleased that Martha seemed to enjoy their impromptu pet.

The Master got the feeling that if he put a paw out of line, Martha would carry out her unspoken threat and decided to try and behave. He managed a catly smirk. Behaving doesn't mean that he had to get along with her though. Even though she was good at the stroking thing.

"Besides, cats seem to regard humans as their minions anyway," the Doctor pointed out. "Not much of a change from his usual self."

Title: The Sound of Bells

Characters: Tenth Doctor, Martha, Master

Rating: PG13

Summary: The Master found life as a cat to be quite enjoyable after he had gotten over his initial shock. The Master is adjusting to his new circumstances. Sequel to 'Master Changes'.

Author's Notes: Not mine, only wish they were. All I own is a black cat, that the feline Master is based on, and the three bells on the cat collar. Takes place sometime after the season 3 finale. Written for the '1001 Whovian Nights Drabbles of Awesome'

The Master found life as a cat to be quite enjoyable after he had gotten over his initial shock. The Doctor insisted on feeding him fresh meat and fish and letting him sleep on his bed. Unfortunately for the Master, the Doctor had a habit of using him as a pillow, and drooling over his shiny black fur when he actually bothered to sleep. The Master wriggled out from under the other Time Lord's head and shook himself in disgust, groaning as the three bells on his collars tinkled musically. The Doctor had insisted on him wearing a collar after the first few nights of tripping over the Master as he lounged in the dark hallways. 'Urgh! First it was the drums and now it's the bells!'

It was during one of his nightly prowls that the Master found himself outside Martha's bedroom door. The Master smirked to himself. 'Time for a bit of mischief,' he thought, just before he jumped up at the door handle and managed to open the door. He sneaked in, trying to avoid tinkling loudly, saw Martha fast asleep, and jumped on the bed. Martha twitched slightly, but didn't wake.

The Master leaned forward and used his whiskers to tickle the young doctor's nose and gave a yowl of indignation. "Oh, go away, Master," Martha groaned, not opening her eyes and pulled the quilt over her head, almost knocking the feline time lord off the bed in the process.

The Master's yowls got louder and more urgent and he bumped his head against hers in a surprisingly affectionate gesture. 'Wake up! I want something to eat.'

"Go bother the Doctor," Martha ordered, pretending she didn't hear that snort of derision aimed at her. "He's the one that feeds you, waters you, strokes you..."

'...Drools all over me? I may have fur but I don't have 'pillow' written on me.'

Comments are Love!

character: tenth doctor, character: master!kitty, character: martha jones, series: (mis)adventures of master!kitty

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