Fic: Body Swap NC-17 (Harry Potter/Doctor Who crossover) Chapter 1

Feb 28, 2008 16:13

I've had this insane bunny in my head for a long time and I've finally managed to get around to writing it.

Title: Body Swap
Pairing: Barty/Doctor, Barty/Master, Master/Doctor
Fandoms: Doctor Who/Harry Potter
Summary: Due to a potions accident, Barty and the Master discover they have a problem.
Rating: NC17 (Later chapters)
A/N: In this universe Barty is a vampire/werewolf hybrid. Oh yeah, and before I forget, Barty has changed his hair colour to a dark red colour.
Warnings: Contains slash, and CRACK! When I refer to someone, I'm going to be referring to the person inside the body, so when I say Master, I mean the Master in Barty's body and vice versa.

Chapter 1

It was, the Master decided, all Barty's fault. Sure he sneaked up on the younger hybrid while he was in the middle of brewing a potion, but that was no excuse for exploding his potion and causing him to switch bodies with the red headed wizard. He eyed his body, which was currently housing one extremely pissed off wizard, and sighed. "This is all your fault."

"My fault?! Who was the idiot who crept up on me and made me add the wrong flipping ingredient?" Barty said, shooting the Master a dark look. The Master decided that he didn't like that look, especially when it was aimed at him. Who knew he could look so psychotic? Oh, wait... "For a nine hundred plus year old time lord, you really are thick."

"Well, sort it out. I have a date with the Doctor in two hours and..." the Master placed his hands on his chest to feel the single heartbeat there. "How do you survive with just the one?"

"Very easily. It's no picnic for me either, having those two heartbeats bumping away. Look, it could take days to sort out what went wrong. I don't think Time Lords were factored into the equation when this was written." Barty pointed out as he indicated the potions book. "You'll have to cancel."

"I'm not breaking my date!"

"You'll have to."

"No, you'll have to go as me."


"You're going to have to pull off being me. Can you do it?"

"I could, but I feel guilty deceiving the Doctor."

"I'm not asking you to kill anyone," by the look on Barty's current body's face, the Master wasn't sure if he could rule that option out. "I'm good now, remember? I'm just asking you to go on a simple date with the Doctor."

Barty grumbled something and slowly nodded. "What will you be doing while I'm on my date?"

"Nothing interesting. Maybe test out your powers, fiddle with the TARDIS, stuff like that."

"Don't blow anything up."

"As if I would."

"Where are you going? I mean, where are you taking the Doctor?"

"Oh just for a meal. You're buying."

"Oh wonderful."

"No shagging him."

"The thought never crossed my mind."

"You mustn't tell him about our predicament," the Master warned.

"I'm not stupid."

"Could have fooled me."

"Hey! If anyone's stupid around here, it's you. Isn't there a rule somewhere about sneaking up on wizards while they're brewing?" Barty exclaimed, stepping forward and giving his body a few sharp pokes in the ribs. Funny how the Master never noticed that his fingers were so bony before and Barty knew exactly where to aim to hurt. "You are SO lucky I didn't hex you into the middle of next week... Now there's an idea." He smirked, obviously planning what he was going to do to the Master once they're back in their own bodies.

"You have to work on the accent, I don't sound like that." The Master stated, smacking his original hands away. "And stop poking me. You're only abusing your own body."



On to Chapter 2

Comments are love...

character: barty jr, fandom: doctor who, fandom: harry potter, character: tenth doctor, character: the master, series: bodyswap

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