Title: Naked Mud wrestling
Author: Jade
Rating: Adult (for later chapters)
Archive: Yes, please
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Multiple (some slashy)
Spoilers: All the episodes
Summary: The 9th and 10th Doctor along with Jack finds themselves caught up in a fight for Rose's heart. Who will win?
Reviews are welcome!!! (I tend to squee ever time I get a review!)
Now on with the story...
Nine gave Jack the once over, with a predatory smirk on his face, to Jack’s obvious delight. Nine looked towards Ten and noticed an identical expression on his face as well. “Well, shall we cheer up Jack here?”
“Yes, why not?” Ten replied, “he’s fancied us for ages but hasn’t had the chance to get in our trousers yet.” He stepped forward, and lightly stroked the side of Jack’s face, unaware of Rose in the gallery above watching every move.
“Um, what are you doing?” Jack asked, nervously. “You aren’t in your right minds,” he added, wincing at his words. A voice inside his head spoke up. ‘What’s wrong with you? They’re offering themselves to you. Isn’t this what you wanted?’ The voice was cut off when Ten pulled him into a passionate kiss and Nine ran his hands down his back, his lips following the path of his hands. Jack’s left hand danced over Nine’s chest, causing Nine to shiver. Jack’s other hand was tenderly stroking Ten’s back. Ten squirmed under Jack’s experienced hands.
Rose looked down at the entwined trio and she felt her face flush. When they started kissing, she just wanted to march down there and beg all three of them to take her right there and then but she thought at the moment it would be safer just to watch at the moment, just to see what happens. “Oh God,” she moaned, thankful that she was alone, at least for the moment, as she watched their hands roam over each other’s bodies. “When are they going to remember about me?” she couldn’t help wondering out aloud. “Oh, who cares? I’m not going to let that spoil my enjoyment.” She gasped out loud, when she saw Nine’s hand give Ten’s bottom a hard spank. Ten let out a yelp and then sank his teeth into Jack’s shoulder. “God, what is in that mud? Can I store some in the TARDIS?” she muttered to herself.