Oct 18, 2005 20:10
In life, love and happiness, nothing can ever be perfect. The closes anyone can come is to at least try. If no one ever tries, how can there be love and happiness? So mant times in the last tenn years, I have tried to make him understand and so many times I have failed. There was on etime oput of hundreds that he was not blind and that was when they split. He finally realized what she had done. He even broke down and apologized to me for being blind and ignoring me. He hugged me and told me that he was sorry for not listening and not being there for me. I told him it was ok. I knew it was not his fault. Now, I sit and wonder, did he mean it, or was I just his shoulder to cry on? I hate to think of it as that, because I don't want to think of it as "he used me," but when she came back, it was as if he needed me no longer except to tell me to do what she wanted done. I have missed having him in the last ten years. Fishing, camping, fun has been ruled out of the equation. Now we only do what she says we can and are allowed to do. After everything, how can he put out the only person who really knows who he is? She doesn't know, he acts the way she wants him to act only to put out his own daughter. I don't think he knows what him being with her has actually done to not only my relationship with him, but also to me as a person. They always wonder why I don't sit down and talk to them about everything that is bothering me or going on with my life. Well, the answer is rather simple, I don't trust that woman. She has a real talent of taking anything anyone says and twisting and distorting it to her benefit. That is one thing that I absolutely can not deal with. I can not and will not respect anyone who can do that to someone they were suppose to love and take under her wing after they have been put out by so many others. I have dealt with it for ten years, and I am done.
Maybe this is all in my head, but if so, why do so many agree with me? First, I lost my father, now, I am losing my sister, what is next? I lose everyone I love? Some I know will always be there for me, like the ones I can sit down and talk with for hours about nothing, or about everything that bothers me, if they try to help or not, they are listening. I love them for that special gift they have.
Why is my father always the bad guy? Little does he know, to them he is the bad guy. He spends his money and that makes him bad, he doesn't give them the undeserved money they want and that makes him a bad guy? If they are split up and she refuses to get a job, why does he have to support her and her grown kids? How is that right? How is it fair to him and the ones he is obligated to support?
Will life be ok? What happens next? There are so many unanswered questions that need to be answered.
God only gives us what he knows we can handle, so why so many times have I felt I was given too much?
What is it that makes me think He has given up?