Dec 06, 2014 00:57
So I'm just slightly freaking out here. Teeny tiny little bit. Like, a bit difficult to type with shaking hands.
My family plus a bunch of other people are downstairs having a "Little Christmas" party. Not gonna explain that one just now. I'm not participating because I don't drink alcoholic stuff all that much and I can't stand drunken people while sober. ... okay so I can't stand them while drunk either but that's beside the point. But just now I decided to go make myself a sammich despite the people there. Alas, I'm immediately targetted by this random woman who I think is the wife/girlfriend/whatnot of one of the guys there.
Apparently my mom or someone else has told her that I'm an artist and she claims to have some artistic straits as well and wants to see some of my paintings. She's awfully touchy-feely (like holding my hands at random, wanting to hug, playing with my hair all the time, damn creepy but fairly innocent drunken business) so to get out of there I agree and run upstairs to get a few paintings and to have a small freak-out session. Then I go back with the paintings and show them to her. She's all impressed and stuff and while that's a little awkward to deal with that's fine, I can handle it. But when she's done holding my paintings she goes right back to touchy-feely while praising my skills and whatnot. And it's awful D: I'm like "Ahaha, yeah, I'm impressive *eyes darting around like crazy* yeah, definitely agree with you *can't you notice how tense I am?* Whoops, IthinkI'llgotakethesebackupstairskay?K!Bye!"
And now I'm all shakey and freaking out and geede3ldsch kuadhfukgadikikfg I didn't even know that I'd react like this. I mean, I'm well aware I don't like dealing with strangers and don't want to spend a whole lot of time with crowds of people, but I had no freaking clue I'd actually Freak. Out. at someone being touchy-feely drunk. I would have expected not liking it, finding it disturbing and creepy, and wanting to flee, but not all of it being this intense. Seriously, I thought this only happened to other people who are anti-social or introverted or whatelseyouhave people who can't deal with other people. I haven't had symptons like this before. Then again I haven't beenunexpectedly touched in this manner by strangers before >.>
fglsghjshghslohjkhslglsdhglkhsdlghl! DD: I want to crawl up under my blanket and not come out ever. And freaking why won't my hands stop shaking?! It's inconvenient and distressing.
real life