Okay, so, the first two episodes were iffy. A little interesting, but it didn't make me love the show or the characters or anything. Actually, I was pretty creeped out by a few of the people. Namely Ruth, who reminds me of Madeline from LFN except...nice - yeah, creepy - and Sarah, who just seems to emote way too much. It just set me on edge.
Episode three? Still creepy, and still with the excessive emoting, but actually pretty dang funny. I feel like episode three is the writers figuring out that going for an entirely serious tone in a show about a bionic woman/bartender who's just begun to take baby steps towards becoming a "hero" or whatever...not a good idea.
So they made it more comedic, and it works a lot better, IMO.
Ruth intimidating the shit out of the spoiled-punk-daughter by psychoanalyzing her with that creepily gentle therapist's voice inside a locked interrogation room? Loved it. The exchange between Jamie and Sarah in the garage? Hilarious, especially because it was completely interwoven with serious conversations which then lightened up and then turned serious again. It was weird, but it worked.
Sarah: "Those Berkett guys look at you in the shower, ya know."
Jamie: (appalled) "Oh my god."
Sarah: "Yeah, don't even get me started on how objectifying this whole bionic woman thing is."
Jamie: "Where are you going?"
Sarah: "I'm going to go lay down on the sidewalk and die."
Jamie: "You don't have to be so dramatic."
Sarah: "Don't I? 'Cause I thought I was just told by the one person who could save my life that she's got better things to do - that feels pretty dramatic to me. Not that I can actually feel anything, but I can intellectually imagine that that feels pretty dramatic."
And then serious things started happening again, but I didn't mind it so much. See, if a show can make you laugh and enjoy a scene genuinely, then you're much more forgiving if the rest of it sometimes happens to fall short. Even when you're getting kind of annoyed by Jamie's indecisiveness when it comes to trusting Sarah. Understandable, and probably wise considering that Will's dad is completely psycho and totally influencing Sarah to do psycho things as well, but... Kinda feel sorry for Sarah, who is the ultimate pawn in all of this.