Wow, D.B. Sweeney looks really old and goofy with those limp blond curls. I'm a fan of The Cutting Edge, so that's how he'll always look in my mind...not like this. Bleh.
Honestly, this whole post is going to be about the House/Crandall dynamic, the House/Cuddy dynamic, and the House/Wilson dynamic. Because nothing else is as interesting.
First of all: OMG! HOUSE HAS A FRIEND THAT'S NOT WILSON! And they're close, they've known each other since House was twenty. Obviously, they didn't keep close contact with each other like BFFs, but they did seem more familiar with each other than to assume there was no contact whatsoever. Especially since Crandall "heard" about the leg, meaning contact with House's parents, too? Possible other friends? Very interesting.
What's also interesting is how they interact. Crandall calls House "G-man" and expects the smart comments, while House actually is honest with the too-trusting Crandall and respects his feelings enough to set up a good life for him. House lied to the girl and told her Crandall was her real father to ensure that she wouldn't do anything to screw Crandall over later on. Basically, his lie made sure that either she couldn't screw Crandall over, or, if she did, she'd live her life in misery. Very protective of Crandall. Makes you wonder what made House befriend him, and get along with him well enough to play the big brother figure (the stupid car excuse aside). Was it all just to make it up to Crandall about stealing his girlfriend? Or is it more than that?
I like that House didn't tell anyone about Cuddy's search for a sperm donor, even Wilson, because this is entirely Cuddy's business. While House is the kind of person who would do whatever it takes to figure out a mystery or a secret, he does it because he's curious. Once he finds out, if it's none of other people's business, House keeps his trap shut. I also like that Cuddy trusts him enough to help with the fertility shots; it would've been difficult, but she could've figured out how to give herself the shots. House wasn't strictly necessary.
::snort:: Of course, then we would've missed out on the scene where Cuddy bared a cheek and House S-L-O-W-L-Y rubbed on the alcohol, in gentle circles...
God, Hugh Laurie is hot.
Also, how protective House was over Cuddy also surprised me. He wanted to make sure she chose a good sperm donor, not because he had any stake in it, but because she did. He went to great lengths to make Cuddy realize that, well, people lie and mislead on forms. The real thing isn't the same as a filled out form. Lol, he saved her from a dorky sperm donor, anyway. And it really touched me, the scene when he told her that she should choose someone she trusts. And she asked him if she should choose him, and he replied that she should also choose someone she likes. And then Cuddy came up to him later with this look on her face...
Honestly, at this point, I'm wondering if she'll really choose either House or Wilson, and I wouldn't be adverse to either. I'm not a House/Cuddy shipper, but it has a certain appeal that I can see, and it's far more interesting than House/Cameron.
As for the House/Wilson scenes? All I can say is that my slash goggles only picked up on the jealousy frequency. Wilson was very curious about this other friend of House's, one that he was going to such great lengths to protect. Lol, plus, that scene with the masseuse person (that Wilson knew by name) working on House's leg, and Wilson and Cameron both thinking gutter thoughts at first glance...hilarious.
ETA: The clinic patient? Loved it. Firstly, the kid was so cute. Secondly, the mom seemed suitably embarrassed that she'd come all the way to the hospital for some couch stain. She was really worried it was something serious, and was embarrassed and relieved that it wasn't. I think House got that, which was why he wasn't at all mean, and only a little, tiny, tiny bit snarky.
Can't wait for the season finale. Wow.