Vegetarian status update

May 09, 2013 22:57

Well, it's been 2 months since the Vegetarian Pact, and I'm proud to say that I stuck with it. There were some hard times, where my mouth flooded at the thought of some of my favorite chicken-related dishes over the past few weeks, but I really liked the whole thing better than I thought I would. Some notable things that happened to me over the past 2 months after turning vegetarian:

1) There was a period of about a week at the beginning stages of vegetarianism where I broke out really badly. Worse than I've ever broken out before. Even during the height of my pimply teenage years, I'd never gotten more than two or three pimples at a time, but that one week, it was like the Rockies on my face. I honestly was super pissed and kind of worried, but I drank a LOT of water and ate a lot of raw veggies and fruits to super-cleanse my system, and I stopped breaking out and the existing pimples slowly retreated.

2) I experienced insomnia for the first time in my life. Ever since I was little, I never had any problems falling asleep and staying asleep, not counting that one time I stupidly took a Sudafed at like 9PM. After the breaking out period, though, I had a week where I basically stared at my ceiling for close to an hour and a half every night, waiting to fall asleep. And after I eventually fell asleep, I would then wake up several times in the middle of the night. I had no idea why this was happening, but I think it had to do with the drastic change in diet because my co-worker (also doing the vegetarian thing) also reported bad sleeping patterns.

3) After the week of bad sleeping, I went through a week of extreme tiredness. I felt like I had no energy all day, and started feeling really sleepy at like 4PM while at work, to the point where my eyes were drooping. The tiredness made it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep at night, solving the insomnia problem, but even when I went to sleep early, I was tired during the day. I thought maybe it was a problem with not getting enough protein or something, so I upped my intake of almonds and started eating Greek yoghurt instead of the regular stuff.

4) Once all that passed, I started feeling hungry every few hours. This was weird to me, because I used to be the person who forgets to eat because she doesn't feel hunger until like 15 hours without foot, but, man... This is actually a problem that still remains, where I feel hungry very often. I have to eat at least four times a day, often five times, by eating snacks between meals. I think it's because vegetables and stuff digest faster than meat, and it's pretty annoying when I'm at work, but my boss is really cool about it.

In conclusion: lots of drastic changes experiences, but I really did end up liking it. For now, I'm of a mind to continue the vegetarian thing for as long as I can, although there is a new sushi restaurant opening in the plaza where I work and I have a really terrible weakness for udon, which, while being a noodle dish, is actually made with fish broth and thus cannot be consumed by strict vegetarians. So conflicted...


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