Global bacon shortage 'unavoidable'

Sep 26, 2012 02:08

Yes, you read that right.

Global bacon shortage 'unavoidable'

Global bacon shortage 'unavoidable'

Global bacon shortage 'unavoidable'

Experts say the world could be on the verge of a significant bacon shortage because of rising feed costs and declining pig populations.

Britain's National Pig Association said Tuesday that an international shortage of bacon and other pork products is now "unavoidable," and expects higher prices for consumers soon.

Recent data shows Europe's pig population declining at an alarming rate "and this is a trend that is being mirrored around the world," the NPA said in a release. Every major pork-producing European nation has fewer pigs today than they did last year, even as demand for pork products has remained high.

I predict this will get ugly.

Not only does this mess with breakfast plans, it also fucks with lunch and perhaps dinner... what the heck will people eat on the side with their pancakes and eggs at Denny's? Will blood replace bacon as the new B in the delicious BLT sandwich?

Only time will tell.

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worst thing ever, in the news

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