YAY so today I
- Made Vet appointment to get Buba his shoots, its for Wednesday, Wendy and I have decided we dont want to seperate Little Thing and Buba because the play all the time, and she is willing to take him, so I am leaving Buba with her, which is most excellent.
- Sold some stuff to Village Merchants (went twice 1st time got $18, second time got $36, nice)
- got all the stuff im selling reposted on craigslist, so far i have like 8 people inerested in various items
- got some groceries with my food stamps had $19 on it, which rocks
- Gonna see some of me girls tomorrow night YAY
- gonna organize a few more things in my room and that will be a day
oh and gonna watch The Apprentice with Wendy, of course, that show is a teriffic program.