weekend update.

Feb 13, 2006 10:44

I think I can call this weekend one of the better ones without seeing the hubby. Except for the snow part, but even that was tolerable.

We had a minor political mess at work this week, which did get resolved, some people got pissed, and a coworker has left for a better paying job. In the end, it was all for the best, but some people got mad when they shouldn't have, etc etc....and well, it turned into a mess when someone started some gossip when he should have handled things professionally. The whole situation just makes me shake my head, but I now know not to say anything absolutely NOT work related to this person, and even then, only the bare minimum. Things are settled again and we move on.

Saturday was productive. I got in a workout at home in the morning, got a shower, then did a little picking up around the house. I've been working on the decluttering a little every weekend since J & I cleaned the whole office, and it's slowly moving along. I packed up the laundry and headed over to mom & dad's for the afternoon. I got there just in time to help mom with a question she had about filing her taxes online (her pop-up blocker was working a little too well and she didn't realize it) and she was thrilled that she could now tell all her friends that she filed online for the first time. Got to visit with the kitties, who are getting big and developing quite the personalities.

Headed out around dinner time as I had our rollergirl party that evening. I guess someone had said we had needed to do some bonding, so S & J invited everyone over for fondue and games. (Yes, really.) We waited for the supposed "end of the world" snowfall that was coming as well. When we realized it was around 3:30am, everyone took off, and it had only just started to snow not long before. There was maybe 1/2" on the ground? We had been laughing about the people going to the stores all day buying up milk, bread, and water like the world was ending. Hello, people, do you not live in New England? It's SNOW. We had a month of spring-like weather, we're not going to all of a sudden DIE now, ok?

Then Sunday I slept late to recover from staying up all night, got up and did a little cleaning around the house, then watched some Olympics and vegged out for a while and snuggled with the kitty. It was actually quite relaxing. And this morning work is nice and quiet.

snow, party, weekend

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