It's Thursday, PR comments

Aug 31, 2006 09:31

So as usual, Wednesday was a fun night. Snark and pizza and adult beverages, mmmm. :)

First off, here's the link to last week's recap that I told a couple people about, with the cartoon face on Vincent's crappy dress.

Holy crap, when are they going to get rid of Vincent? Fucking eh, but his outfit last night? I totally don't know how to sew clothes, but *I* could have made that. "Oh, trace and copy the pants I'm wearing? Awesome!" Ugg, talk about pissing me off.

Kayne. Oi. Personally, I thought his jacket was totally him. And since when is Elvis a bad thing? As Tim keep saying in his podcasts, its a matter of taste. But apparently the judges don't like his taste, so I'm pretty sure he won't make it to the final 3, as much as I love him.

Jeffery needs to be stabbed in the eye with a hot poker. Asshat. All I could think of with his outfit last night was it looked like Prince.

I'm convinced Michael and Laura are going to be in the top 3. Laura has a particular style, but her construction is always perfect. The judges seem to like consistancy. And Michael? He's just all around awesome. He totally needs to win.

I'm hoping the other person in the top 3 will be Uli, but I'm just hoping it's not Jeffery....or he's not even #4, because then he gets to be the red herring show at fashion week. Again, ugg.

And being the total geeks we are, we clapped when Tim got on the plane.

As usual, check out Blogging Project Runway for lots of fun links & info.

Last night's drink of choice was the Smirnoff Twisted Watermelon, my new obsession. Mmmmm.

project runway, tv

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