May 22, 2006 00:15
I know I'm needY. But I realize my character flaws and try to compensate when I can. I also give into everyone elses character flaws and roll with em.
So this being said, I need people to help me. I need someone with great organizational skills to come to my house and help me organize. I am really great with putting things where they go. And I'm really great with keeping things in the place they are supposed to be. But I have NO idea where those places should be. I have this huge house with all these closets and cabinets and rooms and crap and don't know where anything should go.
I also need people who can help me put things away. Once the organizer has told us where they should go, I need people to help me get things into those places.
I also need people to tell me what I need and don't need. I am a recovering pack rat and I've made great strides in my life to get rid of the rubbish. I need someone to help me determine what is and isn't rubbish.
I also need a personal trainer/motivator to help me get my health in order. My body is shutting down and my clothes are just saying no to my body. I have the desire to make healthy lifestyle changes and the money, I just need someone to tell me how and when to do said changes. I really really really want to play volley ball and basket ball again. I am craving it. But I can't do any of those things yet because I can barely walk up a flight of steps without getting winded. Help me someone please!
For those of you that would like to apply for any of these positions, please messege me, email me, and/or call me by tomorrow afternoon. I am attempting to get a small group together to head to the new house and get this crap in order. For those of you with the desire to help but inability to do so tomorrow are certainly welcome anytime next week. I'm off all day Tuesday and will really be needing some help, if for anything motivational help.
I'm fun to be around and I'll feed ya. i'll put some killer tunes on and dance around like an idiot for your enjoyment. I'll even let you play a few games of pool or darts if it calms ya down. Oh and what the heck, I may even make a few jello shots for you if you are really lucky...
And then we can see if we can figure out how to use the lawn mower and trim the beasty grass!