Written: 09/05/02
Disclaimer: I don't own YnM, the lyrics or the stuff in the afterword, the seed of the plot was nicely planted by Shanti's X fic "Bright Shadow"
Warnings: Slight OOC(?)
Shadow: Hidden or unconscious aspects of oneself, both good and bad, which the ego has either repressed or never recognized.
You were shiny as gold an' sweeter than honey,
It looked to me like you were right on the money.
I scratched the surface; I found the truth.
You're made for hurtin'; that's what you do.
"Pinmonkey, "Barbed Wire and Roses" "
Bright flash-the mirror shatters
Who's reflected in the broken glass?
"Cats Laughing, "Black Knight's Work" "
Lighting flashed briefly overhead, momentarily revealing two fingers beneath the overcast moonless sky. One light, one dark. One down on the ground, the other standing over the fallen figure, ignoring the rain beginning to fall around them, soaking into the clothes both wore and washing away some of the crimson color that ran down the fallen figure's arm. After the brief light had spent itself, and the rumble of thunder come and gone, a voice broke the silence that followed.
"You can not kill me, Tatsumi-san.. you should realize this by now."
"What do you mean by that? Just because there is no light, doesn't mean I'm harmless, Sensei."
Lighting reflected briefly off two pairs of glasses, one hiding a pair of enraged blue eyes, the other pair laying a couple feet away, one of the lenses cracked in the silver frames. Muraki raised his voice slightly to be heard over the rain. "I am your shadow." The thunder chose then to make an appearance, underscoring the words neatly. The blue eyes narrowed sharply, the scowl under them deepening.
"You are nothing."
Muraki shifted his weight off his injured arm and tilted his head slightly, seeming to study the tall suited figure. Half-ignoring the denial, he spoke again. "You are half correct, I would be nothing without you, you are the reason I am here." He paused to turn away from the shinigami and pull himself to his feet, turning around slowly to look back at the vague dark outline of the shadowmaster, he continued in a more quiet tone. "You hated to see her cry, you hated even more that nothing you seemed to try could halt those tears.. but you eventually did halt them, ne? Quite possibly the same way, I 'cured' my own 'mother's' insanity. Of course, you don't like to think of that do you.. which would be the reason you left Tsuzuki-san alone..?" Eyes of silver gray and blue gray watched the dark form. "You were afraid history would repeat itself.."
"Be silent. I don't want to hear your lies."
Muraki moved slowly towards the other man, stopping just in front of the dark figure, barely able to make out the features hidden under the cover of darkness. "You dislike those who threw you and your mother out, ne? Those who caused her to cry in the first place, those who indirectly first placed her blood on your hands? That is why I do what I do.. revenge is a dish best served cold as it has been said." He stepped back as a hand struck the air where his head had been moments ago. "I am made of all those dark things you felt when you were alive and ruthlessly repressed when you became a shinigami. You shunned it so hard, so viciously that it became aware.. eventually to the state you see before you. I am separate from you, yet I am not. I can not die, because you are already deceased, so until you die as a shinigami, I must remain as I am."
The was a crack of thunder then, and lighting struck blindingly close to both men, striking a maple and setting it aflame. Reddish gold light flickered over both of them, revealing the dark suited figure standing stiffly, hands clenched at his sides. The other figure a mirror contrast, the white kimono stained with blood and partially ripped at the shoulder, revealing a still slowly leaking wound in the arm beneath the fabric. For several moments, the silence was only broken by the sound of the tree burning, the wood giving off cracks and pops every couple minutes.
"I don't believe you."
Muraki didn't respond to the denial, and if anything this seemed to irritate the shinigami further. Without another word the other man stepped back towards one of the long shadows that the fire was throwing off and disappeared within it, those cold blue eyes never leaving Muraki until the shadowmaster was completely gone from his home, most likely returning to Meifu to calm and reassure himself that everything stated tonight was nothing but a pack of lies. Muraki sighed and moved to walk inside his house, lighting a candle with the lighter beside it to give him some light to find the bandages so that he could tend to his arm.
As he finished tying off the bandage around his arm, he looked back out towards the burning tree, the reddish gold of the flames reflecting off the spare set of glasses he had put on. "Whether you believe or not, the truth can not be changed. We both had a chance to be our own person at one time.. and unfortunately we both lost them, but if you think I will content myself to remain as we are now.. you are most sorely wrong, Tatsumi Seiichirou. We will discuss this again in the future, that I promise you."
It is a therapeutic necessity, indeed, the first requisite of any thorough psychological method, for consciousness to confront its shadow. In the end this must lead to some kind of union, even though the union consists at first in an open conflict, and often remains so for a long time. It is a struggle that cannot be abolished by rational means. When it is willfully repressed it continues in the unconscious and merely expresses itself indirectly and all the more dangerously, so no advantage is gained. The struggle goes on until the opponents run out of breath. What the outcome will be can never be seen in advance. The only certain thing is that both parties will be changed. ["Rex and Regina," CW 14, par. 514.]
This process of coming to terms with the Other in us is well worth while, because in this way we get to know aspects of our nature which we would not allow anybody else to show us and which we ourselves would never have admitted. [The Conjunction," ibid., par. 706.]
Confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective or even impossible. Everything becomes doubtful. [Ibid., par. 708.]