Hey look I'm posting on LJ!

May 14, 2010 12:39

Sitting outside my home in Portland while Juniper scoots around on a blanket and Kimberly digs in her "garden". It's a beautiful cool sunny day. The garden Dennis is working on is really getting going. I know we have beans, lettuce and garlic planted but other than that it's all just pretty green leaves sticking out of the ground to me.

Kimberly has been attending a preschool. She'll be attending until mid-July then I'm going to decide whether to continue the schooling route or go back to my original plan of homeschooling. I haven't really decided either way and it depends in part school for me. She really enjoys the social aspect of school and getting out of the house. I haven't really found anything I can afford that will fill that need besides the normal school route. We'll see, I still have a year before she would be starting Kindergarten.

Speaking of which I'm hoping to start school this fall, maybe as soon as summer. I want to see about getting certification they offer at PCC for sign language interpreter. I'm considering learning Spanish as well and maybe starting down the path to get a degree in biology from PSU. I'll need to sit down with an advisor and map things out a bit more first. I may try and do that on Monday.

I've also started volunteering with the city as a "Transit Options Ambassador". Tomorrow is my first event. I'll be attending the Alberta Art Hop (http://artonalberta.org/arthop) to do tabling, which means sitting at a table and talking to people that come by about their options for getting around Portland. I figure it's a good job for me since I've been getting around Portland mostly by transit for over a year now. I even did it through pregnancy and a new baby. In fact little Juniper got her first bus ride in the Moby Wrap when she just 3 pounds 14 ounces on the day we took her home from the hospital. She was just a week old at the time.

Speaking of Juniper she's doing great! She's 8 months now and over 15 pounds. She LOVES being outside. In fact she gets quite fussy if we don't get out at least once a day. She's not as adventurous as Kimberly was at her age but she's much more outgoing.

Kimberly is doing great as a big sister though we're hitting the point where there's some difficulty with sharing. She enjoys taking care of Juniper and can definitely be a bit of a bossy-butt. I have high hopes that the two of them will remain close as the years go on.

I hope you are all well and I hope to be posting more soon. I've gotten bored with Facebook. LJ is just so much more substantial.
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