Worst Day Ever!!!!!!

Nov 23, 2009 19:00

People are crazy!!!!!!

What the hell!!!!! So today just started out on the wrong foot, so a customer comes in today and looks at the $1,$2, $3 dollar bin at the front of the store that has signage up to 75% off. She brings the items over to the cashier and starts yelling at her that the $1 item is NOT 75% off. It was a $1.49 and that is NOT 75% off. I tell her that the items are priced as marked, and that the sign says UP TO 75% off. She then proceeds to walk over to the bin yelling across the front of the store that see it says 75% off. I explain to her that, that bin is 1,2, and 3 dollars and they are priced at the warehouse and we don't control the prices set. She then proceeds to yell you're the manager than who does!!! She then walks away leaving me and the cashier completely flabbergasted. First of all the item was a $1 WTF, seriously you are going to haggle about some change??!!! Do you crazy people enjoy making me miserable?? So ends issue # 1....

Then I go next door to the grocery store for lunch, and they had a little sample stand next to the deli. And there were two people talking right in front of the iced tea sample. So instead of interrupting their conversation, I walk around to side grab a little sample cup, I drink it up and reach around to grab another. One of the women stops talking to her friend turns out she is one of the grocery store employees she turns to me and says don't make a mess. I kind of look at her funny and she continues, I've been watching you when you come here you make mess when you come here. I'm going on break I don't want you to make a mess when I go on break. And don't reach around to get the iced tea it's rude you just say excuse me and the person will move don't reach around. Gahh!!! First of all I never make a mess I never leave sample cups lying around ever. I always find a trash can every time there are samples!!!!! I am the most conscientious customer everywhere because I'm always picking up trash off the floor and shelves whenever I walk the store people are absolute gross pigs sometimes!

Issue #3 I come back from break and the main cashier needs back up because a customer has been arguing with her about the math the computer did on his transaction. After I take care of the line I walk over and do the math for him and the difference is 0.56 cents this jerk make 6 people wait to argue about 0.50 cents!!!!

Issue #4 I got a refreshment because I was going to stay late and work a little longer to get some stuff done tonight because it has been so busy lately and we are so short staffed that it is impossible to get stuff done during the day. So I'm carrying my drink with no I'd on that I'm working and a customer knocks over a display and several piles of stuff off an endcap. She starts trying to pick it up, the cashier says no it's alright we'll get it. She starts trying to pick it up but she's just making it worse and on top of it she is breaking the display. So I walk up behind all incognito and in my cute voice nit in rude way, it's no ever meant to be mean I say go away I got it and I'm fucking smiling not making a condescending or rude face just smiling she shrugs and starts to walk away. Then turns to me and says you could have found a nicer way to say that. And I flush and start stammering that I totally didn't mean it that way and that I was sorry. I was joking not trying to to be mean, I apologized three seperate times, always sincere never condescending. What the he'll is wrong with people??? Now I am all keyed up I'm flushed, red, angry, and just downright upset. I give so much of myself to this damn job and these people never appreciate the energy or what it takes for me to be so sparkly shiny all the time. I guess there's a reason that retail has such a high suicide rate this would be one of them.

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