Save The Cheerleader, Save The World....

Oct 24, 2011 21:25

For fandom_smash

~*About You~
Name: Jade
IM/Personal Journal:

~*Your Character*~
Name: (Future) Hiro Nakamura

Canon: "Future Hiro" travels back in time to visit Peter Petrelli while on a subway train with Mohinder. Right before he arrives, time stops for everyone on the train except for Peter. Speaking fluent English, "Future Hiro" says he must hurry as he risks creating a rift. He tells Peter (who, according to Hiro, looks different without the scar), that he has an important message: Peter must save the girl in order to prevent "it all" from happening. As he leaves, he reiterates, "Save the cheerleader, save the world". He also tells Peter that when the present-day Hiro calls, he must tell Hiro where they meet.

Hiro Nakamura of the future is America's most wanted terrorist, whose purported crimes include prison breaks and the destruction of a science facility in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is also a master of the sword-based martial art Battojutsu. (Source: Heroes Wiki)
Series: Heroes
Appearance: (Future) Nakamura, Hiro
Personality: Hiro is jaded like the best of them. He is determined, and vicious, and there's absolutely nothing that can stop him from accomplishing whatever goal he sets his mind on. Unlike his present self, Hiro no longer has hope and or thinks that the world has great people in it. He watched his best friend die, due to a bomb that wiped out half of New York City. When that happened, the series of events that followed really helped in making him the dangerous person he is now. Despite all this, he still fights for what he thinks is right, which is 'the rights' of people with abilities, even if it's at a cost, the cost being his reputation. In his reality, Hiro is WANTED by the government, for all kinds of crimes 'they' believe he has committed. He is accussed of being a terrorist, and very dangerous.

Despite all this, Hiro still has a tiny bit of spark from his old self, that tiny spark that keeps him going. Despite having lost hope, he still thinks he can change the past, to fix the future.

Powers/Abilities: Space-time Manipulation
I was thinking of adding a modification to this power. Hiro's powers in the Nexus can be different. In The Nexus, Hiro can be able to slow time down, and teleport from point a to point b. However, his time traveling abilities will be gone, and he will not be able to teleport away from The Nexus. For some reason, having been sucked into The Nexus, scrambled his powers a bit, for 'staying in the game' and not just teleporting out, purposes. (do let me know if this is ok, I think it'd be more convenient, and would give Hiro something to work for. Aka- gaining back his time traveling ability to escape the Nexus. How long it will take, who knows....)

Time manipulation (slowing down, reversing, or stopping time). <--- only inside The Nexus
Time travel (moving through time or "folding time").
Teleportation (moving instantaneously through space or "folding space") <--- only inside The Nexus.

Canon Point: At this point, Hiro has lived through a bomb that wiped out almost the entire city of New York, as well as lost people dear and near to him. He has also witnessed the worst kind of treatment to his kind, aka- people with abilities. As a result, he has become a terrorist, and has worked together with Peter Petrelli to foil every plan that the government has against his kind. Because of this, he's also become the number one most hunted and wanted terrorist, along with Peter. Deep down inside, Hiro's only hope was to change the past, so that the future wouldn't be as bad and as grim as he's living it. He managed to do that, by going back to Peter Petrelli and telling him to 'Save The Cheerleader, and Save The World' but when he turned away from Peter to return to his reality, he ended up in The Nexus... There went the neighborhood.
Character Journal:

~*Writing Sample*~
First Person: I figured one of these days, this would happen, me taking a wrong turn, during one of my time travels. I wasn't expecting this. I swore I had it all under control. Everything was fine, I had been able to give Peter the message, 'Save The Cheerleader, Save The World'. However, I think I might have miscalculated my moves somewhere in there. I mean, how the hell did I end up here? What is here? It doesn't seem like a normal place it's... It's different, I can feel it. I swear I walked quite a few blocks before I reached some kind of pond, which by the way, was way out of this world. I was stepping on a big huge footprint, I know I was! How and who did this? Oh man, did I just travel back in time to the Dino.....

I looked back at the buildings right behind me. No this was not the Dinosaur era, definitely. This was just so strange. I stood a bit dumbfounded looking at the pond, wondering what the hell I had just stumbled into. What lived in that pond that had these big ass huge footprints? And why were there buildings right behind me? I tilted my head again, trying to figure out what was happening, when out of nowhere I heard a noise, like something moving. I have lived long enough to know that I should never leave myself open to attacks, no matter where I am. I quickly grabbed my katana and took a defensive stand. Bring it, whoever you are, if your intentions are bad, you're about to perish.
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