The Perfect Connection ((also known as, the morning after....))

Aug 13, 2013 14:39

Characters: future!Dean Winchester and future!Hiro Nakamura, DeanxHiro
Other Characters: Castiel (mentioned)
When: The End verse for SPN and Five Years Gone for Heroes
Where: Cottage where Dean sleeps and plans out his heists and errands and all that other fun stuff.
What: Dean realizes 'THE HARD WAY', how perfect 'THAT' connection is.
Style: Regular narration type thing?
writer: Me
Story: SPN/Heroes Crossover
Actual Writing Date: 8/13/13 Started as a drabble, and ended up this mess. *shrugs*
Notes: I was extremely bored at work and I began to write on a tiny little composition book. I had it half way through when I had to come home. So now I'm finishing it here.
WARNING: A bit of violence, a total crackship, a bit of angst, drama, all that other crap that makes people only a tiny bit uncomfortable. Also, a Dean really dealing with things that make him a little OOC. Excuse me for not having very good grammatical skills. I tried... For the record, NOT a professional writer.
Purpose: There's really no purpose to this, except to bring a cracky pairing to life. *nods*

Once again Dean had made 'A Connection' as he so nicely put it. The difference this time had been the individual he'd made the connection with. Unlike, many other nights where Dean had let his fellow survivors have a chance at making that, apparently coveted connection, it was Dean who had initiated the entire situation. It's not that he harbored any special feelings for this specific individual, or at least he liked telling himself that, but it had been something very new to him.

He'd been with men before this, hell Castiel was one of his favorites, but every single time every single one of these men had initiated their connections with Dean. Dean took each of them as they came, but never allowed himself to take these any further, or be confused by anything they might have done that might have made him feel differently. From Dean, everyone, including the men had heard, 'This never happened', 'It was nothing','This didn't mean anything', no mention of it, or simply an empty place on the bed, where Dean had been.

All these connections never ever managed to sidetrack the hunter from his primary goal, which had been and always would be to find 'The Colt'. He needed that gun, he needed it to kill the devil. He'd already exhausted any other way to win this particular fight, so the only option was finding the gun that he knew could kill 'Anything'. He was going to use it and save the world once and for all. He didn't care what it took.

All those facts aside, he really hadn't expected to feel the way he had the previous night. The connection had been so prominent, so messed up, and wrong that in the end it had turned into something insanely perfect and satisfactory. Even he'd been surprised at how deeply he had felt it. It was even stranger when he'd woken up this particular morning and had reached out to the other side of the bed and had gotten up a little surprised to find that his 'connection' had disappeared.

In all truth, Dean's stomach had turned a bit as a feeling of dread had overcome him for a fraction of a second. Once he was awake enough to realize what he was doing, and less importantly 'feeling', he scoffed and shook his head.

"Well, good riddance you little son of a bitch." He said as his eyes examined the empty side of the bed. At this point, Dean was ready to take this in stride like he always did and keep it in mind as a 'failed' connection. He was also trying very hard to ignore the sudden emptiness he was feeling. He'd always felt this way, he'd always been empty. Why should this be any different?

He was determined not to let this mean anything, not one thing. He had a gun to find and time was really running out. Funny how 'time' was reminding him of that little bastard.

The hunter snorted inwardly and finally got himself out of bed. As he did, a very pleasant smell hit his nostrils, something he hadn't had in a while and it was truly hard to find nowadays. It was coffee, and it was brewing in the next room. Dean entered into the next room curiously looking to find the source of the great smell and stopped when he saw him there. He... He hadn't left.

The coffee had been in his mind, but that was left as soon as he saw Hiro had not disappeared. Dean was a combination of relieved, annoyed, and angry. The little shit was here. The hunter was about to start berating him for what he'd done, but was not fast enough.

Hiro spoke first, "I was able to regain my ability to teleport in and out of realities." The small time traveler grinned at Dean only lightly. He recognized the anger in the other man's face. He was kind of getting used to it. It was hard to make Dean anything but 'angry', and or 'annoyed' and or 'irritated'. Not caring that the other man was probably fuming, Hiro went on to explain where he had gotten the coffee as he nodded at the coffee pot now brewing. "I found that in the year 2013, at my own loft. I brought it over, thought you might like some."

Dean was just boring holes into Hiro's brain, that's of course if it were possible with just a stare. He was trying really hard to keep face. This meant a lot of things to him, mostly good. Of course, he'd never admit it. He would never admit that seeing Hiro here had made him smile inwardly and very relieved that the little time traveler wasn't in any kind of trouble or worst of all had just abandoned him for what they had done the night before.

He was also angry that he was caring about that. That even within the darkest recesses of his mind, he felt something. He felt he cared that Hiro had not remained, and that made him angry, because it exposed him and it made him vulnerable. Love, he'd given up on it a long time ago, and he hated that this little bastard was making him even remotely think about it. He felt this was the most ridiculous situation he could have gotten himself into, and the inner struggle he was having because of it was angering him.

Ultimately, Dean decided to go the safe route, the one he always took and acted as if it made no difference to him. "What the hell are you doing here, then? Shouldn't you be back in your reality trying to stop an exploding man? You shouldn't have returned, there's nothing for you here." Except for me, he would have said, but he refrained. He would never come clean with these thoughts. Thank all damn goodness Hiro wasn't a telepath.

Hiro looked up at Dean and with that trademark broody pout of his still plastered on his face he explained his reason for remaining in this messed up world. "I promised I was going to help you find 'The Colt' didn't I?"

"I never said I needed help finding it. I don't need your help, I can do this with or without you." Dean answered curtly, knowing that he really hadn't meant to act this angry.

Hiro was quiet and contemplated Dean as he'd answered and then shook his head. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" He offered and stood up ready to go get it. He stopped, however, when he felt Dean grab his right arm trying to hold him off from doing so.

"Don't change the subject you little shit. I said I didn't need help getting 'The Colt'. If you got your powers back, you should do yourself a favor and get the hell out of here." Dean made his point and remained adamant about this. He wasn't about to let Hiro win this one. And then wondered when he'd actually turned this into a competition. He just wanted Hiro to leave him alone. He didn't want to deal with these feelings and all this bullshit. He wanted to pretend he didn't care that the time traveler wanted to help him find 'The Colt' which really was his main goal. Or that he'd cared enough to return and remain by his side. Loyalty, he'd been shown loyalty before, but this time it was different.

Hiro remained collected as he looked down at Dean's hand on his right arm. It was getting tighter by the minute and at some point it was also hurting. "You know, if you wanted a fight you should have just told me."

That got Dean even more riled up, and now he was being hit with something he was more familiar with, 'A challenge'. He took the challenge and grabbed Hiro roughly and pushed him up against the nearest wall. "You wouldn't last a second if you fought me."

Hiro arched a brow at Dean and remained defiant. "I did pretty good last night didn't I?"

Dean growled and pushed Hiro even harder against the wall. "You did nothing last night! We did nothing. You were nothing and you are nothing to me. Do you understand?"

"Yet you speak in metaphors." Hiro grinned at him. He knew he was riling the hunter up, and this was just too much fun. As cute as it had been for Dean to tell him he could beat him easily, it was not the truth, it had never been. Either way, the time traveler enjoyed it when Dean got this angry. It was even more significant now.

"What?" Dean hated how Hiro always had these strange ways of replying to everything he said to him when he was angry. And now all this confusion and anger were being replaced by just annoyance, but also by a feeling of familiarity. Dean, he just wanted to... He wanted to to take Hiro and...

Hiro rolled his eyes. "You're right about one thing, though. Nothing happened last night, so what the fuck are you so pissed about? I bring you coffee and you don't want any? Maybe that's why you're so bitchy this morning. No coffee... You need your caf...." Hiro couldn't finish the sentence because before he knew it he had Dean's lips on his. He gave up and let himself get lost in the insanely rough kiss.

This was Dean, Hiro had learned to deal with this the few weeks he'd been around, and truly he had actually enjoyed it. The man was so messed up. At times it was quite amusing, at others it was very sad to watch, but even then it was never scary for him. Any other normal person would have ran for the hills, but Hiro never did. He never lost faith in the hunter and his amazingly broken spirit. He was as broken as Hiro himself was, and he'd be damned if he claimed that he didn't understand Dean, because he did. He understood him quite well, and it was even more amusing to see himself reflected in the hunter's actions.

Hiro too had been thinking about this in the morning. He'd done the same thing he always did when he slept with someone. He had gotten up and had left, but in an unusual turn of events he had eventually returned because he felt like he still had that mission to accomplish. Only when Dean was satisfied would he leave him alone to fulfill his destiny.

At the moment, only kisses had been exchanged and that was quite fine with him.

Dean had wanted to punch Hiro, hurt him really badly, but something else just took over at that moment and he decided to shut him up with a kiss. It was the only thing he could do. Once he was done he separated from the little time traveler and finally grinned. "I win."

Hiro would have said, NO NO you didn't to be a not so sport, but instead just let it slide. That was a great kiss anyway. "So... coffee?"

Dean snorted..."Go to hell."

fan fic, future hiro nakamura, five years gone verse, the end verse, etc, future! dean winchester, rated r, heroes, supernatural

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