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>.< Sorry it took me a while to get back to this! Notifs haven't been working right for me lately. reversal_seer August 5 2012, 23:41:04 UTC
All traces of Amber's smiles had dissipated because of Dean's frustration. She glanced to Hiro and felt just the slightest relief that he listened. It was going to be difficult enough with Dean who had no recollections of him having ever met her.

"And you think we don't have someplace else to be?" She asked this question both seriously and quietly, to make him listen. "This isn't just about you. I wish I knew what was going on, Dean, but apparently I don't. Hiro does not. If I could lend a hand in sending you back, I would have done so by now." However, that's not how her powers worked. She couldn't travel to other worlds, only in one direction or the other in time. "I understand that there is always something that must be stopped. Some terrible evil or someone that needs to be rescued. This must be incredibly frustrating for you to be separated from those you care for, but none of us are capable of helping you get back this instant.

"There are many I care for and need to protect, but making the demands to be sent back are not going to change our situation."

I don't remember him being this difficult the first time we met, she thought to herself of the time she met Dean at the Nexus. Although she knew she would have to treat it like she was meeting him for the first time, all over again.

She remained calm and collected as she answered on their whereabouts. "We are Tokyo, Japan. A slightly different version of Japan. My world is different from yours because of the people who have different abilities--myself being among the first. That, along with the sky that's changed. Consider this as an alternate version of your world. Where ghosts, demons, and the rest aren't running rampant. With each world, there is its own set of dangers... I assure you, I am someone you can trust, as hard as that may be for you to believe."

There was that radioactive Gate too, that was named Hell's Gate. It was somehow connected to all Contractors, but she would have to explain this separately.

If Dean did not lower his gun real soon, Amber might have to make a risky move to protect Hiro and herself. Using her powers to stop time temporarily was hopefully not something she'd have to do, because of her price. Because of her price, she could not afford to use her powers over and over.


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Re: It's OK! jadedtimetravlr August 11 2012, 06:37:50 UTC
Hiro wasn't about to throw himself off the building, he was actually calculating the distance between one building and the other, and or trying to find an empty street or alleyway. Why? Because he could tell they were being followed and they didn't have much more time to spend up here.

He came back quietly and nodded at both Amber and Dean. "We need to get ourselves out of here. We're being followed, and I have a feeling we don't have much time left." It wasn't that Hiro was a telepath or anything, but he'd dealt with this kind of situation so many times. It could almost be said it was an every day thing for him. "I can stop time for a few minutes, but I haven't tried to do in this reality. I don't have a problem teleporting out of here, I can take Dean, unless you want to do it. No problem. But we need to get going, now."

He wasn't pushing them per say, but there was a slight bit of distress in his tone. It was either time to go or get captured or stopped by whatever was coming.

"There's an empty rooftop right across from this one, and also an empty alleyway, whichever one you would think best. But we need to start moving."


woot \o/ reversal_seer August 13 2012, 04:51:58 UTC
"Amber. My name is Amber." Just from the initial shock and suspicious looks, she could tell what Dean was thinking. Who was she, how did he know who he was? And maybe, just maybe; why was she so damn calm about all of this? Around him, or perhaps a parallel universe version of him, usually felt uneasy or suspicious, due to her speaking in riddles or the vagueness of a premonition dream she'd have.

Good, she did not have to use her powers. For one thing it would give him the motive to suspect further that she and Hiro were out to get him. That, of course, was not the case. They were all victims of a strange and unexpected circumstance.

Another thing to be expected was to repeat some of the things she said to the man. She smiled ever-so-slightly up at him. "As I said, neither of us know why we are here, Dean. As to how I know you, and your brother too--" She shrugged, and knew there was no easy and quick way to say this. "Well, that's very complicated. It would take quite a while to explain." She picked up her unfinished apple. "We won't double-cross. You have my word. Neither of us have any motive or reason to."

As she finished that sentence, she followed his gaze to Hiro, who was searching their surroundings. Amber was certain that he was on the lookout for danger. A smart thing to do, since they were somehow pulled here by some mysterious force, or sentience that wasn't of the world known as the Nexus.

She listened intently to Hiro's warning of the sensation of being watched. In fact, past Hiro, she noticed a small, pale blue spirit on the ground; a Doll's surveillance specter. Only Contractors and other Dolls could see them. She now came the conclusion that Hiro wasn't a Contractor. "Hiro, you're right. We are being watched. Not by any regular people either. There's no time to explain right now." She glanced to Dean as she said this, a sense of urgency in her young voice.

There was only one possible place all three of them could go. One of the Evening Prim Rose's safehouses. She could only guess that either the Syndicate had found her location (she was wanted dead or alive for treason, among other things), or some of those Contractor renegades from Ravaging Spitfire who thought their get together looked rather interesting to want to capture them, alive.

Amber looked determined as she looked to Hiro. "I have a better idea than an alleyway. Could you teleport us both to the nearest train station? From there we'll go someplace where our pursuers won't be able to track us. A very safe, secure place." One Evening Primrose comrade had the ability to draw in surveillance specters and steal them, cutting their links to any Doll around her. Amber knew the woman fairly well. Maya could be relied on to prevent both Syndicate and R.S. from tracking them down.


*dances* jadedtimetravlr August 18 2012, 07:27:36 UTC
Hiro nodded quietly, he did however give Dean a slight warning look. "I'm gonna have to touch you to teleport you out of here, is it ok?" He didn't want to get his face blown off or something. He still didn't trust Dean. He was so paranoid. When Dean gave him a look that said, do it, but don't you dare fuck it up. He groaned inwardly, but outwardly he touched Amber, and Dean's shoulders gently and in a matter of seconds they were at the nearest Tokyo train station.

As soon as they were there, he grabbed the hilt of his Katana and surveyed the area again, while he left Dean and Amber to their own devices. Eventually he came back, having given the area a quick scan. "We seem to be alone." He gave the green haired girl and expectant look and nodded at her. "Now what?"

He knew Tokyo, don't get him wrong, he knew it like the back of his hand. However, he was well aware that this was not the Tokyo of his reality. Things were definitely different, one wrong move could mean the difference between probably freedom and captivity.

"So... Why are they after us?" Hiro needed and explanation right now. He wasn't very keen on being left in the dark. So he wasn't a stranger to being pursued, but why was whoever was after them, after them? He needed to know what he was up against.


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Lol I have this newish trolly sociopath of a muse. I love him lots. reversal_seer August 20 2012, 04:20:58 UTC
[[ooc: Just to warn you ahead of time if any of my tags are a bit slow-coming. So, this guy is named Izaya Orihara from the Durarara!! anime and manga. Mixture of both. To sum him up in a nutshell; underground information broker from Tokyo. Sociopath. Troll. Masochist. Unhealthy and unstable obsession over human beings in general.

Although it'd be too much to have him around this 'verse. Izaya's mostly for my musebox and DM, but I'm thinking about a little Six Words activity for him too. His debut DM post if you'd like to see. (If Dean is thrown at him, Izaya will recognize him. XD) I've got an interesting six words post idea in mind to post soon. :D]]

Amber nodded to Hiro. "Good." She glanced to Dean, then back to the teleporter. "All right...now I'll pay for our ride to one of a few safe houses. For you see--I have these allies who would help us." She was concerned about the Evening Prim Rose not taking Dean in--because he was just a human. He had no special, abnormal abilities.

Before she could speak any further she looked around a moment to see any surveillance specters; there were none she could see.

Hiro asked a question. Dean would certainly want the answers now. She inwardly sighed and gave them an idea as to who would be after them--or at least Amber herself.

"There are two possible groups who would be after us, or maybe just me. The Syndicate would be interested in wanting me wiped out of existence, for they do not believe in the co-existence of humans and abnormal humans known as Contractors like me. They'd be ignorant and quick to judge you as one of my kind, Hiro.

"Ravaging Spitfire would be a dangerous group of renegade Contractors, who use a portal-opening device to capture other individuals from different realms and make Contractors or Dolls out of them. I highly doubt R.S. has brought the two of you here because they're in the other worlds to personally see it through to abducting whoever they want."


Re: Lol I have this newish trolly sociopath of a muse. I love him lots. jadedtimetravlr August 22 2012, 01:41:16 UTC
"So those Ravaging Spitfire folks would not come after us, but the others would?" Hiro was only slightly confused. "You know what? Let's just keep going, I don't want to be captured today, or tomorrow, or any day for that matter." He knew what it was like to run from persecutors. It was tiring, he was not tired, now, per say, but he was not really looking forward to seeing those people, whoever they were.

They could consider him a contractor? That was a new one. In his reality they called them 'specials'. In other realities he'd been to they called them 'mutants', 'alphas', 'evolved humans', but he'd never heard of them referring to his kind as contractors.

He looked over at Dean, who now seemed beyond pissed. He tried not to smile at what he was seeing, but really, getting pissed was not going to get him anywhere. "Are you ok, Dean?" That was his name, right?


reversal_seer August 22 2012, 22:57:52 UTC
She nodded firmly as she began to lead them towards the ticket booth--slowly. She kept her voice low when speaking further about their deadly foes.

She noticed Dean's anger, and Hiro's concern.

"No. Ravaging Spitfire would come after us, even if the use of the stolen technology was involved... And, the Syndicate cannot be trusted. If they see the two of you and me together, they may send their own Contractor agents to terminate us all."

She was as serious as she could ever be when speaking about this. The pressure of their survival weighed on her heavily, for she was most certainly not thrilled of being spotted by a Doll's surveillance specter. She hadn't seen any of this coming, no dreams at all.

Part of her was angry, like Dean, but she knew she had to remain calm and level-minded as a leader, and their guide.

Before reaching the booth, she looked to Dean. "I'm very well aware that this isn't anything you want to deal with. But right now, you need to stay focused. For Sam."


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