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Augh, last edit I swear. XD Gooossssh... reversal_seer July 9 2012, 03:03:16 UTC
How strange, and curious! This man could teleport, but without the harmless side effects of his body glowing, and his eyes shining red--like Amber and all the other Contractors did whenever they used their powers. Also, unlike a woman she knew, he could teleport and stay in his own clothes.

Amber had known many people with different abilities, including her friend and comrade who could teleport. She was someone of the EPR she hadn't seen or heard from for so long.

He seemed to be both frustrated and worried. Did his powers not work properly?

Why was I sent back here? Does the Nexus know about this guy? This wouldn't just happen without any reason...

When the katana man glared at her, she showed him a faint calm smile and stayed right where she was. There wasn't even the slightest fear or shock in her amber colored gaze. Perhaps if she stayed put and answered straight to the point, it would lessen the chances of him having the motive to attack her. Thinking rationally without involving morals or emotions was second nature for Amber, long before she had first traveled to another world without her knowing beforehand.

She never saw him in her dreams, but she was not worried about getting hurt. She knew she was too important to die, and Hei and his friends still needed her. Right now, she put aside her decision making. It was clear to see that this person was having teleportation difficulties.

"My name is Amber." She set the apple down beside her, and swallowed her recent bite as she addressed him without feeling any alarm or anger. "Who are you? Where are you trying to go? Is there something wrong with your power?" She felt herself frowning a bit in concern as she was mentally grasping for something tangible as to why she was here. Would she be able to help him in any way? Clearly he needed it, but that was entirely up to him on letting her try.


Re: Augh, last edit I swear. XD Gooossssh... jadedtimetravlr July 12 2012, 11:25:57 UTC
Hiro found himself letting go of the hilt of the katana slowly. The girl didn't seem like she was about to attack, at least not yet. In any case he'd teleport out of her way, and or try stopping time if she did try to attack him by surprise. "Amber." He just repeated the name, as if trying to remember someone by that name that he might have met on one of his other misadventures. No... No one he knew.

"I'm Hiro. And isn't it obvious? I'm trying to teleport out of this place. It's.... Not working." Yeah he was being obvious, too obvious. However, he was desperate, he wanted out of here, he had no idea where this was. And now would be a good time as any to ask. "What is this place?" It obviously looked like Tokyo, but it definitely wasn't the Tokyo of his reality.

If it were, he would have already been captured, and or they'd be trying to capture him. It was hard teleporting to other countries in his reality. They all had specific restrictions when dealing with 'specials'. He looked around again, and then back at Amber.

Yes, his power was obviously not going to work today, at least not to get him out of this reality. "I think I'm stuck here for some reason. Do you know why?" It was worth to ask. Then again, she was asking him questions, but by the looks of it she seemed to know there was something wrong with his power. Maybe she was 'special' too? She did have a very peculiar look to her.


Re: Augh, last edit I swear. XD Gooossssh... reversal_seer July 13 2012, 03:02:33 UTC
Amber nodded once and smiled calmly when Hiro said her name again. Yes, that was her name...or at least the name she went by most recently. In observing how he was withdrawing from unsheathing his blade, she felt she wouldn't have to worry about him harming her. None of them had the intention of attacking, or even killing the other--and that was very good.

"Strange. You're unlike anyone else I know who has that power. I only know of one other, but hers works very differently from yours. Although, I have no idea why yours isn't working the way you want it to." She held back from thinking about Brita though. It would be interesting for the two of them to meet, but she did not dwell thinking about that.

"As to where you are, this is Tokyo, Japan. Do you not recognize it? You look like you were born in this country...or do you perhaps come from another world, similar to mine?" She kept smiling, calmer than most people would be during such a bizarre situation. "As strange and unbelievable this sounds, I've met other people like that. But not here. Not all of them have abilities like the two of us, or Tokyo, but from very similar realities. From two, no, three America's."

Amber, unlike most Contractors, sympathized. She also knew how it felt like, being lost and disoriented after arriving in a different reality. She wouldn't let him be stranded alone. Her conscience told her no. Perhaps she really was sent here to help him. Still, she wished she could have dreamt about it before meeting him in her Tokyo.


Re: Augh, last edit I swear. XD Gooossssh... jadedtimetravlr July 17 2012, 08:04:00 UTC
Apparently there were other specials around here, but obviously not like him. Huh... That was interesting. Hiro listened quietly as the young girl spoke. Of course he knew this was Tokyo, but years and years of teleporting in and out of realities and dimensions kind of gave him the low down on how this really wasn't his time and or place.

When she said she had met people from other realities he arched a brow. "So you're saying that you've been through this before?" He didn't avoid the question about his nationality, this was obviously Tokyo, he was well aware of that. However, this was definitely not the reality he was born in. "I'm definitely not from this reality, but yes, I do recognize this city. I wasn't born here, though. I was born in Osaka." He shrugged, details, who needed them, neh?

Then he went on to state his theory, because low and behold he thought he had one. Maybe he was wrong, maybe he was right. "I was trying to use my power to take me back to my own reality. For some reason, I can't use it. It doesn't work. I'm able to teleport anywhere within this reality. At least that's what I'm figuring. Do you have any theories on that? You sound like you know what's going on." Maybe she was even here to help out. That was good, at least he wasn't having to run away and or fight some douche bag government agent.

{{ooc: and just when things begin to calm down, here comes Dean... lol... ba dum ching! ... XD }}


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Umm okay then. XD Dean's in for a SHOCKING surprise! PFFFF-- reversal_seer July 17 2012, 17:58:01 UTC
((And yeah, tying in some more of her AU background while I'm at it.))

Amber smiled calmly to Hiro. "Yes. Something like this, but it's taken place at a much, much more complicated reality. The lengthy explanation about that can wait."

She could tell from the look of his expression that he wanted to get right down to business, and that was fine. Her concerns about those left behind within the Nexus, including Amagiri, would have to take a backseat anyway, since she couldn't go back to her friends there.

She listened intently to Hiro about his theory. "I suppose that could be possible. Anything is. I've seen and encountered many strange things back in this other world I've been in but not this, to my surprise."

Before Amber could get another word out, the ground crackled and vibrated--as a very familiar looking American man appeared from behind as she looked over her shoulder.

Dean Winchester did not seem to recognize her, not at all. What was going on? His appearance did not make sense to her, not in the slightest! She wore a serious expression as he fired out his demands, his firm grip on the handgun that had a long barrel.

Castiel? She had heard of him, through both Winchesters, the angel who had rescued Dean from Hell's torment. Castiel was in his world, with Sam? In trouble? Through his voice and the great urgency in his voice, she knew better than to take his demands and threats lightly. What is happening? What's with the sudden appearances, in my world? Ravaging Spitfire's...? No, they couldn't possibly have further advanced their technology.

The Contractor renegades had machines that could open glowing, round doorways within time and space, whenever they wanted to. They'd go to other worlds to take who they wanted at whatever random world they'd discover.

Hiro's and Dean's bizarre appearances to this world were not connected to Ravaging Spitfire. They couldn't be, no, not possible...

The youngest of the three slowly stood up and glanced to him. She calmly, directly addressed him without any alarm in her voice. In spite of her teenage appearance, her words were very mature. "Dean. I realize you don't know who any of us are. I know who you are, and it would take a while to explain, but I assure you we are not responsible for you to appear the way you did." She glanced to Hiro for a moment, and sent him a look that said, It's all right. I can handle this from here. Hiro would not need to unsheathe his katana. Amber would be responsible for looking after the other man, for she knew about him, his world, and his brother too.

Amber looked back to Dean, carefully phrasing through some means of a compromise. "We are victims too, in this really strange circumstance. We have also showed up here, without so much as an explanation. Threatening us won't solve anything... I may not know how long it may be until you're able to return to Castiel and Sam, but for right now all you can do for them is to stay with us. This world is a little different from your own."


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