Outtake (from Fandom Smash)

Dec 31, 2011 05:08

"I'm sorry Peter, I had to do that." Hiro was still kneeling in front of his friend, seriously wondering if what he'd done was really the right thing. Well, he'd practically saved Peter from a psychopath. To Hiro The Doctor was basically a psycho, and he wasn't going to look at him any other way. Strapping Peter to some bomb or whatever the hell those cuffs were, did not help his case. However, Hiro hated what he was about to tell Peter, he waited patiently for the man to come back from the shock.

Peter was calming down, cringing each time nerves connected as his arms regenerated. He was terrified of what had just happened, Hiro, he'd. "Hiro... I don't." Peter went quiet when he saw the look on Hiro's face.

"Peter, listen to me, and listen to me carefully ok? This might not sit well with you, but it's probably what is going to happen. What needs to happen." As he explained patiently the small Japanese man placed his right hand gently on Peter's left cheek. He caressed the empath's face and then let go and sighed. "Peter, you're going to have to turn yourself in."

Peter was trying to calm down, listening carefully to what Hiro was saying. He was only a tad bit surprised at the hand on his cheek, but then his eyes were wide when the time traveler spoke again. Turn himself in? He sighed and looked at Hiro quietly. So many things going through his mind. He needed to do this, this was the right thing to do, but Sylar. If he left Sylar alone for such a long time? What if he had to stay locked up for years? What if they sentenced him to death? The only thing that terrified him the most at this point was leaving Sylar alone with all these people. Not that Sylar would be alone, he'd have Hiro and Stitch around, but Peter knew very well that the telekinetic depended so much on him, they both depended on each other.

The only reason he and Sylar had not gone insane yet, was because they knew they had each other. If Peter was locked up, what would happen to Sylar? Or maybe he was over thinking this whole situation. He sighed again and then looked at Hiro, at this point really hating himself for what he'd done. "Hiro, I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could erase everything that happened. What if I get sentenced to death? What about Sylar?" He was so tempted to ask Hiro to turn back time, but he knew very well that time in this place didn't work the same way it did in their reality. Perhaps if they tried changing the past, it would be like stepping on a huge butterfly.

"Peter, I know what you're thinking, that Sylar might not function well without you, but believe me, he's come a long way. He's not the same person we were all scared of, back in the day. He'll be ok. And I also know you want to turn back time, but it's not possible, not here at least. I can't undo something that happened too long ago. I have discovered that my powers work differently here. I can only turn back time if it hasn't been more than a day. I know I did, because." He stopped himself before he said what he was about to say. He knew that Turlough had died, completely. Hiro had actually shown up way late. The man had been dead for who knows how many hours. He had turned back time to save him. He'd messed with the space time continuum of The Nexus to save the man, and to save Peter even bigger grief. He knew that Peter would have been worse if he knew he'd killed someone.

Hiro didn't think as extremely as Peter had, however. Sentence him to death? Hiro didn't even think these people could fight a real battle for all it was worth, much less sentence someone to death. He knew that if Peter turned himself in, it would give them a sense of, who knows accomplishment? Truly, they couldn't even stop the psychos that had invaded the bank, and or those robots Peter spoke of once. Lots of villainous things went down in this crazy place. However, Hiro knew that for some reason, everyone was focused on poor Peter here. Maybe he had really been the biggest villain this Nexus had ever experienced.

That was quite comical in Hiro's mind. Peter Petrelli seen as the biggest enemy of The Nexus, it was ridiculous. He shook his head at his own thoughts and continued. "I just know my powers don't work the same as they do in our reality. Do you understand? And I don't think they could sentence you to death. You didn't kill anyone." Hiro had lied a little, just to make Peter feel a little better. He placed both his hands on the empath's shoulders.

Peter was quiet, as Hiro spoke, at times wishing that he wasn't hearing any of this, but he knew he had to. He had to face the consequences of his actions. Even if he'd had no control over this, he had to fix it. He nodded when Hiro was done, but then couldn't help it and looked down at the floor, tears started to fall. He felt Hiro's arms wrap around him and he took them. "I didn't mean any of it Hiro, I really didn't."

"I know Peter, I know." Hiro rubbed Peter's back gently and let the man cry as much as he wanted to. He probably needed to let go of all that, as well. When Peter was done, Hiro watched him carefully, he gave him a warm smile and did what only came naturally. He leaned in and gave Peter a kiss on the forehead. When he was done, he smiled again. "I know you, Peter Petrelli, and I know you're the most amazing person I've ever met. Don't let something that was beyond your control take that away from you. That's not who you were. You're a hero, a true hero, don't forget that."

Peter was stunned by what Hiro was saying, he couldn't help but smile and hug the man tighter. At least someone still believed in him. He really did need someone understanding him at this point. He knew Sylar couldn't, he knew Sylar would be very angry at this, and or upset, would probably even go as far as blaming himself. Peter didn't want any of that to happen. So he was glad that Hiro was here to help him.

"Thank you Hiro." Peter smiled at the smaller man as he wiped his tears away. "I promise you that I'll try to be a better person and... if the need arises I'll turn myself in."

Hiro sighed... "Trust me, friend, it's going to arise. You're going to run into these people, and if they don't try to kill you, they're going to try to lock you up. I'll be there if you need me. You can count on it, I won't let you down, and or leave you completely in their hands. Also, you don't need to be a better person, you already are." He smiled a bit.

Peter cringed at that, but he accepted the reality. That was true... That was unfortunate, but true. He then looked up at Hiro. "I'm sorry .... You know? For stealing your powers?"

Hiro grinned only slightly at that. Yeah that, he had really hated that. Actually he hadn't. That kiss was probably the most amazing thing, this particular version of Peter had ever done. Hell, it made him miss his reality even more. He did wonder what this empath would think if he went ahead and told him all the nice things he and future Peter did together. He smiled inwardly, yeah he missed Peter, he missed him too much. "That's fine, we do have to fix that, though. I'm sure Sylar can help us with that."

Peter nodded quietly... That would be the first step in the healing process, wouldn't it? He was ready for it.

Consequences and or what happened next.

peter petrelli (heroes), future hiro nakamura (heroes)

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