My First Quarter Century

Aug 29, 2008 23:42

This entry is sparked by the advent of my 26th birthday! Here are my observations on the first quarter century of my life. It's a little dorky but you probably already know I could be...*grins*

puhaha =D

School and Work
School is where a young person may explore interests, broaden horizons and hone social graces. I have always liked school because it kept me entertained and stimulated. Life is a lot less complicated when you’re young so learn as much as possible and earn your degree(s) while you can - you never know when you’ll need that proof of formal education to open doors for you in the future. Success in school is usually a good indicator for how a person does in the work place because academic institutions allow the student to prove that he/she can:
- Finish what he/she started; commitment and focus to perform exceptionally well speaks volumes about a person.
- Understand how to weave the social networks to learn and get things done in the most efficient manner.
- Be creative within a set of parameters
- Play to one’s strength and being able to compete fiercely but nicely.
- Balance work and play.

Having said that, tuition for higher education in the USA is very expensive. Therefore, while students from elite schools have a strong alumni network and higher starting salaries than students from less prestigious universities, if you aren’t one of those who can pay tuition without taking on a huge loan you are better off going to a good state school. It is not worth getting into $100K+ of debt for a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree doesn’t get you further than a foot in door anyway. If you have the drive, ambition and the characteristics listed above, then you should do just fine - I believe that cream rises to the top, one way or another.

In regards to work:
- High quality performance gives you the passport to ask for favors, etc.
- Know your strengths and improve upon them.
- Don't make the mistake of being intimidated by older people. They may have a little more experience than you do but know that he/she probably doesn't know everything there is to know about a particular subject area. Listen to their lesssons learned and advice but do your own hunting and pecking for knowledge & information to get up the learning curve.
- Until you can trust a person's quality of work, always spend extra time to validate the work to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- Network inside and outside of the company. Have mentors and mentees.
- You are responsible for your own career development. Once you get your paycheck, you owe nothing to your employer and they owe nothing to you. Never assume that because you do a good job that your employment is guaranteed forever. You may love your boss, but he/she may not have the power to help you when the writing is on the wall. Remember that a corporation will do what is best for the corporation, and you should do what's best for you.

Personal Finance
You don’t need to know everything about finance to feel financially comfortable and secure.

First, money cannot buy you everlasting respect, love or happiness. Money can simply make life a little more convenient and comfortable. Due to the wonderful tax rules this country has in place, keep in mind that every dollar spent does not equal to every dollar earned so it is important to differentiate between what you need, and what are nice to haves.

I think that one should save and invest as much as possible without missing out on life experiences. It wasn’t until after college that I travelled internationally or ate at fancy restaurants but I never felt “poor” before that. Now that I have seen a bit of the world and dined at some very elegant and impressive places, I can attest that those experiences were only as rich and memorable as the people I hung out with. The point is that you don’t need to be raking in cash by the bushels to enjoy an enriched life. While you are saving up for an exotic vacation a few thousand miles away, take advantage of the local resources and attractions that are available in your own backyard!

In terms of investments, this is what I live by:
- Build an emergency cash fund. Professional financial advisors recommend saving three to six months worth of living expenses. But given the state of this economy and job market, I would say you should have at least a year’s worth of living expenses saved up - just in case!
- Max out your 401K with pre-tax dollars -- especially if your company matches a percentage of your contribution.
- Max out your Roth IRA (if you qualify) or a Traditional IRA account
- Build a medium-high risk, aggressive stock portfolio.
- Buy investment properties and build equity.

Hunting for your own place
I've learned a few things on what to look for when selecting an apartment.

If you have the means, work with a relocation agent to narrow down your choices. They will do the filtering for you and save you a load of time! Also, a lot of them have connections with local landlords/property managers and can get you a deal. I've scored a garage for free, repainted rooms, and even properly stretched out carpets b/c of the relationship my agent had with the property managers.

There are a few things that most people forget to check for before deciding whether or not to sign the lease agreement.
- Remember to check your cell phone reception. It is no fun having to plaster your face against the window or stand in a particular section of your apartment to get reception. Plus, imagine how useless your phone will be if there were to be an emergency. This one was a huge lessons learned for me when I moved to Cincinnati.
- Check the water pressure
- See what kind of stove (i.e gas, electric) it is as it'll impact your utility bills
- Ask if you are required to buy renter's insurance.
- Ask where the laundry facilities are
- Take a drive to the supermarket, laundromat, gas station and mall. Everything should be conveniently close by. Trust me, the last thing you want to do after a long day at work is drive 10 miles to get food, etc.
- Take a look at the location of your apartment building. What are the closest expressways? Is it on a two way street? Is it easy to get in and out? I refused to sign for an apartment because the complex didn't have street lights to facilitate a safe way and frustrating-free to get onto a busy boulevard.
- Ask if there is assigned parking - especially important when you have to lug heavy things (i.e. groceries, etc.) to your apartment.
- Ask if your security deposit will be kept in an interest bearing account.
- Ask how garbage is handled.

Buying & Maintaining a car
Unfortunately I have no sound advice to give on buying a car because I relied on the men in my life to help me determine whether or not the bits under the hood are going to keep up with my lifestyle and keep me safe. All I did was select the color that I wanted! =D

As for maintaining a car, I think every person should know the basics:
- Putting air in your tires
- Changing the air filters
- Checking the engine oil levels
- Keeping an eye on the odometer and not forgetting to get the oil changed.
- Changing the windshield wipers.
- Jump starting a car and changing the battery when necessary.
- Replacing a tire with a spare. Absolutely necessary when you have a flat tire and are stranded without cellphone reception, Triple A or friends around.

Social Life
Keep an open mind, but don’t do anything too vulgar, dangerous or illegal - Definitely explore and try out most things at least once.

Even though the neighborhoods I grew up in weren't the safest, I always played outside with kids on the block for a few hours after school. Now, I'm a firm believer that ppl become more creative and imaginative when they have the freedom to experiment and play.

Date a few people to figure out what you want and do not ever be in a relationship for the sake of “companionship”; it isn’t worth your time & effort. I have a lot of friends who are in unhappy relationships but “settle” because they fear loneliness. That is NOT a good and valid reason to be in a crappy relationship - we are in a day and age where those who are courageous enough can select someone better.

At the same time, have your own hobbies, interests and skills. If you totally suck at life, why would a person who has their act together want to be with you? Find a person who is perfect FOR YOU. Obviously, no one is perfect so just make sure that you can take the bad with the good and that the good far outweighs the bad. And, never expect a significant other to fix your deep rooted issues; only you have the key to your happiness.

Getting to know him should be rather fun and effortless. He/she should be mature, kind, and have the same core beliefs about life. I restrict it to core beliefs because I think being with a person who is your carbon copy would be pretty damn boring. He should be open enough to not be afraid to call you out when you are in the wrong; can argue fairly; loves, encourages and supports you; wants to spend time with you; can grow with you; laugh with you; and most of all, is by your side through and through. Time will unveil a lot so don't rush things.

A lot of girls move in with their boyfriends months in the relationship because they want to experience a pseudo-marriage arrangement without officially tying the knot - that way they can opt out when the going gets tough. I lean towards the conservative side here...if you move in with your significant other, what is there to look forward to if and when you are engaged/married? Honestly, when two people care enough about each other and want spend their lives together, they will find ways to compromise and make things work.

These are the wonderful people who share some of the same experiences with you and are fun to be around. Like minded people tend to flock together and it's perfectly normal having many different clusters of friends as long as each group has characteristics that will help you grow and become a better person; don't be afraid to put an end to friendships that are toxic. As a girl who has moved around quite a few times, I believe that friends come & go based on where you are in life. There are a lot of good, candid people everywhere but the really good friends are those who you are comfortable to call up and discuss anything and everything.

Tell and show your family how much you love and care about them. My parents weren’t accustomed to the western way of hugging, kissing and embracing my sister and me, or even each other! Luckily for them, my sis and I changed that by initiating physical contact. Now, they like it when we playfully display our affections.

In regards to the parents - frankly speaking, I'm luckier than most to have a wonderful set of parents who love and complement each other. My father once told me that how a husband and wife interacts and treats each other profoundly impacts how their children will feel about themselves and the world around them. The man definitely knew what he was talking about. My parents are prime examples of how a family and needs to support each other through the thick and thin. As much as your parents may annoy you, know that they care and that there are ways to spin things to make serious things seem...well, humorous! =P

In regards to siblings - my birth order came with responsibility of being a role model for my younger sister. The perk was that I got to boss her around while I showed her the ropes. We got into fights and arguments but got along for the most part due to our parents' encouragement. I believe that adoration for our respective sibling(s) must be established when we are children. Case in point - after I entered high school, I was too busy to have a lot of quality time with her. And now that we’re no longer under the same roof, it makes it even harder to hang out with each other. But we have such a strong relationship that she is and always will be my best friend. I have always referred to her as my walking diary because even though she doesn’t know every detail of my life now, she knows where I came from and understands me why I am the way I am.
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