Stop the Slaughter!

Jan 06, 2004 19:58

Despite their cherished position in the history and culture of this country, horses are being slaughtered to supply the overseas horsemeat trade. The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (HR 857) will ban
the slaughter of horses for human consumption and prohibit live horses from being exported to supply the horsemeat trade. Take action by sending a horseshoe to your Congressperson -- and help protect horses from slaughter! Please visit:

I hate slaughterhouses. I won't go on about the cruelty of their methods or the especially heinous things horses are forced to endure when transported in trailers meant for much smaller cattle. I won't tell details of how some of the supposedly humane killing methods often only stun and paralyze animals, who are then skinned and carved up while still alive and feeling.
Many horses that are stolen are sold to slaughterhouses. I know several people that had their beloved friends stolen and destroyed.
My good friend's beautiful show mare was stolen. She tracked her down and arrived only three hours too late. There was a customary holding time usually of 24 hours before an animal is slaughtered, but her horse was put through immediately. She was told her horse had fought going in and had to be 'taught a lesson'. How would you feel knowing that your beloved friend that you raised from a baby was cruelly beaten, killed, and her remains were shipped overseas to be EATEN by Frenchmen, and you were only three hours too late to prevent it?
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