in which there was not enough prednisone (and slight coworker rant slipped in)

Jun 29, 2011 19:38

Two Emergency doc runs in two days--a new personal record! \o/
....wait... that's an D:

Times the ER has proven with me they can't handle a severe allergic reaction: 3

So, I kept getting worse by the minute and all the good progress went bye-bye before my eyes. I forgot my cell phone and didn't go back cause I was so worried I would be late, and I had to deal with rush hour heavy traffic on the busiest areas around, and construction on the interstate. also, my brain is still running on the "slow, possibly drunk" setting. Well, it's being attacked with poison still in my system and super immune response that is misguidedly attacking my own tissues. Great work there immune system. It's like a damn double agent. Lackadaisical about keeping bad guys out, but super agent went it goes after me. I'm super wobbly still. My muscles, organs, everything are under attack. Even my joints hurt.

These docs all had to discuss what to do with me like four times, they'd come back and talk to me, then leave and huddle again. So I got shot up eventually with more fast acting steroids (works fast, stops working fast too), and the prednisone was NOT ENOUGH. As I said, as the pharmacist said, and now we know we were right. The pharmacy was not surprised to see me back again today. They said I did look better.

The Indian doc eyes had bugged out alarmingly when I told him five at a time was what I usually got for reactions less severe than this one, and for more than two days. Now I'm on SIX. Three times the drugs!!! I'm gonna have to dust off that exercise bike. /jk

So, I'm still having the same drug reaction, but I think we've got it nailed now. They told me to watch out for mouth sores, and they did show up, and all of a sudden, the skin peeled off my tongue suddenly, and all hell broke loose in there. I think my taste buds mostly fell off. Life sure ain't for wussies.

On the way home, somehow Xtina's "Fighter" was playing for this trip home as well, I started fuming about how my sister won't have a baby cause giving birth is "toooo haaaarrrdddd waaaahhhh", while I got through shit like this. How hard can it be? My childhood friend did it three times and she used to faint from paper cuts. But my sister has always thought anything like work, or mild discomfort was worse than dying.

Oh when I called in, I got the PHB, who was one of the more pleasant co-workers I've talked to this week. I'm supposed to be off till Friday now. (Inner Jade: \o/ My face might be normalish by then!)

The PHB seems to enjoy my dry, acerbic humor. I notice that he has started bringing up more deep, philosophical topics with me than he has ever before, and we have intelligent conversations on the meaning of things in life and what makes people do what they do, and it's quite enjoyable. We're both surrounded by people who are usually a few brackets (or more) below us on the IQ scale, and when you find someone that can talk on your level, it's pretty sweet.

We're also united now by our mutual annoyance with Creewoman the Uncensored Hypochondriac and Hotwheels. On my part it's more deep raging annoyance, and his is "I'm using my death beam on the strongest setting and it isn't working!!! She should be melted by now. She's still talking! Why won't she stop talking?!!!?"

He was amused by her at first, but now he utterly loathes them both. And they can not see this at all--they think they are his favorites, even though complete strangers will say to me, "Oh, why is he so mad at them? What did they do?"

I want to say, "Exist." Or, "They were being themselves." Wait, I have said that last one sometimes. :P

She will blab loudly details about their sex life that NO ONE wants to hear, and thinks it's sooo funny that he's so embarrassed and grossed out. One time I was thinking, I've gotta go call 911 again, I think they they just gave PHB that stroke, but he managed to pull out of it. He had to take some pills after that. He gave me a look, and I said, "Oh, I *understand*". And they are just the most annoying, stupid, annoying people, and cannot, and will not stop themselves.

I can see he just wishes the earth would crack open and swallow them when they get going with their constant back and forth fighting. He hates her but won't stop fucking her, and likes hurting her. She won't leave. Nothing will make her leave. But everything he does is wrong. Neither of them will buy or use birth control. And he starts trouble with her at work, just cause he knows he can run away and leave her fuming at her work station for hours. Not silently of course. We all have to know.

When the world's most annoying pair got their tax returns--they ran out and bought $325 worth of Mountain Dew, chips, and macaroni. All of the coworkers were trying to talk them out of this stupidity--SAVE SOME MONEY, PAY BILLS, SAVE FOR AN EMERGENCY, SAVE FOR A CAR, A LEAST SIT ON IT FOR A WEEK--even people that hate them and constantly try to get them in trouble were trying to stop them, but they bought all that stupid crap, and not even food to make a proper meal, so they spent $65 the next day, and borrowed money and bought $85 more food the day after that.

Then they had no money for birth control. And he won't take no for a answer. RETARDS! I told her the co-workers would GLADLY take up a collection to buy them some stuff to keep Hotwheels from breeding, something many people have chimed in on, I could have gotten fifty-five bucks in two minutes, but they would rather take a chance cause they want a baby. I also pointed out that those things are available FREE at the clinic down the road, which I know for some odd reason, a college paper or something, but they are too lazy to walk that far. Have fun raising that loud screaming infant that needs constant attention 24/7. Bet you'll wish you'd walked your jiggling fat arse down a couple blocks when they get colic.

Hotwheels got that puppy for the baby to play with--that's their excuse for keeping that animal now. If she got pregnant right now the puppy would be almost two by the time the baby was born, but they can't do that kind of math. And they're on state aid. Of course they are.

Okay, that turned into a rant. When I read this back through I could tell when the drugs kicked in. I might go lay down now. Have a good day everybody, it's got to be better than mine (I hope).

annoying cow-irkers, stupid work, phb, cow-irkers, ill, allergic reaction

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