(no subject)

Apr 20, 2011 00:15

We've been getting some serious thunderstorms here tonight. Luckily, it's so cold that they're not getting too horrible. Last night we had freezing rain, which was more like stinging ice needles. Miserable weather to be stumbling around carrying laundry up and down stairs.

I keep looking at horses online. Dream horses are going for cheap prices and I still have no farm or money for them.... :(

Jabba is going to be gone all week!!!! Every person that found out sang and danced, or giggled in delight. Her husband is dying of cancer, and we're all horrible people to be enjoying the bitch's absence so much. But it's probably her karma coming around to bite her fat cottage cheese ass. That's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night. Then I offered to cover her shifts if necessary, cause I'm poor and out of even ramen now.

So the PHB was back from vacation, and missed all the drama last week with Creewoman and Hotwheels. He's told people before that he loathes working with them, cause they drive him crazy. He hates their laziness, their loudness, how they are both utterly useless for completing any task and doing it well, how they have all their fights and weekly breakups at work when he's there (he hates any kind of human emotion or relationship, and them acting like idiots every single time they see each other drives us all crazy), and hates how they work each other up and then they take it out on co-workers and customers. Hotwheels like to do it where he can run away from her at work.

I told him about Creewoman hopping around on one leg to get cigarettes for people, faking knee problems, and blaming me for her "injury" cause I made her stay for her entire shift. He burst into laughter. She fakes something every single day, so he knew my pain.

Guess what? The next time we worked together, she didn't ask to go home or whine once. She hates me now, but I call it progress. I'm trying to get the store's money's worth out of her when she works. I do that with the other lazy gits too. I don't mind you talking, but you better be working hard, and better not ignore any customers. You aren't paid to stand around and talk.

And she was so "injured" that she worked the next day completely fine, but bitching about how "EUUUUUUU JADE IS SO MEAN" to not let her go home early, after she promised to stay, followed me around asked to stay an hour late to cover a sick person for a half hour before I agreed, and promised me she wouldn't beg to go home early. I knew she was lying! I have it on good authority from peole that have worked with her before that she fakes injuries all the time btw. She tried faking sick for hours first, and then went onto the hip, knee stuff, as she does every single day. And then she complains that she has no money and needs more hours.

After her one fine day, her dumbass boyfriend kicked her down the stairs and she came in and demanded she had to sit down at work. Catbert agreed. I think he insisted on a doctor's note. (It's funny how she went immediately to the ER for a tiny sty on her eye, but not for something that prevented her from taking any weight supposedly on her leg. Then she called after she went to the doctor and said she could not work at all. For the rest of the week too--and then had to sit down for weeks after.

She brought the doctor's note in, her and dumbass bellowed at me from the door to take it, very rudely, and then decided I couldn't be trusted with it and took it back themselves. As idiot left, she was walking on both feet and not using her crutches, cause she's faking it and too stupid to keep it up till she's out of the building! And she has not been sitting, instead she's telling everyone she's fine, CAUSE SHE'S BEEN FAKING ALL ALONG!

So it was nice to find the PHB was on my side =:0. And then he came to the cash office later and asked me about Jabba's husband, but he knew more than me. He started talking about his mother dying, and her experience with hospice care, and how if effected him. He talked for over twenty minutes, and I was thinking "We should be working", but I wasn't going to cut him off, and let him talk. It's the most human I've ever seen him.

He made me think that we should have had my grandpa in hospice his last days. The damned nursing home staff gave up on him days before he died, and if Mom wasn't there, they would have just checked twice a day to see if he was dead yet. They were even stripping his room before he was gone.

daily drama, stupid work, phb, bitch, jabba

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