fuckity fuck fuck

Apr 06, 2011 06:14

LJ finally came back! Who panicked? :P

Got in trouble at work Tuesday--not sure how much because I can't read Catbert's reactions at all. The old man who had the psychotic break over a $1.25 battery Sunday sent a big angry letter. Even though I did all these things to placate him, none of it was enough, so therefore I was wrong (in management's eyes).

The big thing that got him riled up was that the other batteries of that brand to replace the bad one were supposedly all bad too, according to the idiot boys I work with. He-man (the army made the store give him his job back, dammit) and Little A(ss) were telling him "Oh yes, she should reimburse you for your gas money, that's only fair." And telling him that I would give him a 3x more expensive battery for free too. And then I had to tell angry raging nutcase no, which sent him over the edge.

And Catbert said that none store in the world will reimburse gas, and we can't give out free money like that, a couple bucks difference maybe, if we have to really placate someone....and then he said I should have offered a cheaper replacement brand, which I did, but the guy wanted the brand that the dumb bag boys told him was good, and only that. And he got enraged and stormed out so quick.

And Catbert did the classic of my store AMBUSH where they throw you off so much it's hard to come up with a decent defense even when you aren't wrong. I don't think I defended myself very good at all. I was so fricking tired, and in so much pain from my bad foot and falling down the stairs again I could barely stand up, and my brain wasn't sharp enough to counter the sudden attack.

That asshole has ruined over two days of my life and I hope a bus runs over him.

I came home and slept till 1 am, brilliant. Now I should be in bed but I'm steamed and awake.

Last week when I kept saying to Mom, "It's so cold in here, I don't think the heat is on at all", well, according to the man across the hall, I was right. The heat broke and we froze. I had assumed the cheap ass slumlord had just turned it off for the season.

A couple weeks prior, I couldn't get much warm water for showers or even washing dishes, and I guess that man called the building manager several times, who told him that it was all in his head. Then the boiler broke completely.

My knee is fucked up again from falling down the stairs Saturday. :(((( My neck and back aren't too happy with me either, but the knee is popping and screams when I pivot.

I wish I could just stay in bed and sleep till my life gets better. If I get fired over a stupid battery I'm gonna sue some asses! The guy who hasn't paid me for my car yet is getting his ass sued too--I'm giving him another month and that's it. All debts are getting called in--I can't pay my bills and I want the money I was owed back in August.

I don't want to go to work today.........

stupid work, cow-irkers, people, fell down the steps again, fell, stupid people, he-man, mean people suck, idiot

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