y u no work internet???

Jan 05, 2011 23:27

I'ma bout to chuck this modem into the wall. It's dying; the phone company sent me one of their "defective batch". Least, far as we can tell with the serial number worn off. Oh yeah, after months of arguing, they finally realized they are overcharging me, so I will get a credit to my bill--spread out over nine months. *rage face*

But now I can haz internet again. Joy!

Yesterday I wanted to go to the bookstore badly and of course it snowed like crazy all day and the roads were horrible for the drive home with the slush and snow. So today it was sunny and I wanted to go shopping, but I felt really ill after work and by the time I was ready to move, the place was closed. Now I'll have to wait to Saturday when we are supposed to get maybe a foot of snow, or decide to order from Amazon and wait longer. I'm not sure the place even has the volumes I want in the first place.

Jabba is being a horrible bitch to me lately. Miserable old cunt needs to get hit by a bus. She was flipping out over stupid stuff and making customers uncomfortable by her hostility.

We had blood pressure checks at work and hers was really high. The "wellness coach" told her she needs to relax. I muttered to someone that maybe if she stopped yelling at everyone, she wouldn't be bursting her veins.

Hotwheels got his checked. The wellness broad told him to think of calming things. So his co-workers started calling out things like, "You have to stay late!" "Someone stole your lunch!" "Your girlfriend is pregnant! Again." He got all mad. LOL LOL

Oh yeah, the broad that thought she was having a heart attack really does have something wrong with her heart. But the docs will test that "later". In the meanwhile she has pneumonia like the rest of us. I think mine's getting better finally. I could almost sleep through the night if not for the terrible nightmares.

I think I got voted "worst case, but bothering her the least" by the co-workers. I think I just have more practice fighting for every. single. breath. unlike those wussies who cough a little, and then freak out and go to the ER.

I'm working on an old, old fic that I never finished. There is more somewhere in a couple notebooks, but finding them is the hard part. I'm not sure what the point of the story was anymore other than frustrating the reader with the delays to 'teh sexytime'. Nah, really it's about screwed up relationships. The angles I'm taking were, when I started it, uncharted. This might be a lot of work for another same old, same old story by the time I get it done.

Any vampchicks want to beta? I will totally beta fics in return.

For the lulz:

stupid work, writing, jabba

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