back from doc

Dec 10, 2010 19:12

So I'm back from the doctor. It was over an hour of waiting for two minutes of facetime with an MD. My whole upper back is sore from it now.

He's like, "So where is this lump you think you have?" Snot. >:| I flipped my braid over my shoulder and he went, "Whoa". Picture Keanu in a labcoat.

So he thinks it's an infected lymph node. Probably. Most likely. I'm going on antibiotics for a week, and if that doesn't help, he's going to take a scalpel to it. *shudder*

So it wasn't icy this morning, but there were a few inches of slippery snow on everything. It must have been windy, cause more snow was plastered to the passenger side of my car than the top. So the drive to work was rather treacherous.

A few hours later, it got super warm! People were out without coats on! It was sunny! Crazy weather.

Now they are saying we are going to get snow dumped on us from Saturday afternoon to Monday night--and Monday will be super cold and probably a blizzard with a foot of snow maybe on that day alone. The local weather guys trotted out the blonde girl I like who just LOVES snow. They stuck her on a ski slope and she's spinning around, grinning like SNOOOOOOOWWW! \o/ She's just delighted, while most people are groaning and going to the store to buy milk and beer before they get stuck inside for days.

We got our Christmas bonuses, which was just a lottery ticket and a gift card to our own store. I already spent the gift card on food. And I actually won this year on my lotto scratcher! Whoop! I got $25! Last year almost everyone won money but me. When I left, I was the only one at the store who had won anything. I was like, yay, I can buy gas now.

I'm sort of freaking out cause my hours have been so low lately that my health insurance could be cut off at any time, without notice. I should refill as many things as possible, but I can't afford to spend any more. I better refill my really expensive one no matter what. That one is $1000 a month out of pocket and I need it so my lungs don't swell shut.

Dad's plane landed safe and he was enroute home in the Red Precious (as Mom calls his car). I bet he's tired. Last time he went out there on business they made him work 16 hour days with no lunch or breaks.

The Creeper on Facebook is all butthurt that I don't want to be his girlfriend. I haven't replied. Do I have too? Oh yeah, then he does some quiz with the question, "Would you make out with Jade for $10,000?" Yes, he says. Not happening, says Jade.

Anyway, I'm still jubilant that I didn't have to get cut open today. Even the fact that I forgot to get quarters for laundry and have to go back out again can't quite kill my high.

Oh yes, it WAS norovirus going around that Grandma had, and I probably has as well. The nurse at the nursing home confirmed it. Mom said, "Well, you were right".

She's always like, get off that CDC website!
And I'm like, "It makes me feel better!" The life of a germophobe. (My sister is the tocophobe.) The CDC website gives good data on bad stuff and just how long it lives on specific surfaces and how to kill it. Why wouldn't you want to know that stuff?

I remember when my friend and I tried canning, and the book kept emphasizing cleanliness to avoid botulism and death. She had me wash the jars, and maybe started to wonder if that was such a good idea when twenty minutes later I was still scrubbing. "You aren't done yet?"
*SCRUBSCRUBSCRUB* "I can still feel where the label was!!!!" LOL LOL ....*sigh*

weather, work, doctor, snow

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