Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2010 03:48

At this rate, I will not finish my Halloween Louis picture or my Halloween/Hogwarts Kurama pic by Halloween. :( Maybe by Christmas....

I should write up some creepy RL ghost story for All Hallow's Eve. If anyone is interested. I could post part of my Chained Fire story (needs better title) since all the creepy stuff in that is either something that has happened to me, or I heard about first hand.

We were telling creepy tales of real life supernatural encounters at work. I could go all day telling stuff that has happened to me. Just the other day, I was thinking, "I should grab my cell phone and put it in my purse before I forget it", and as I thought this, the cell phone screen suddenly lit up across the room. No one was calling me (I checked), nothing had toughed it, it just decided to unlock itself and light up--something which requires pressing a sequence of buttons. Creeeepy. I should mention that when this happened the cat bolted. I should know by now when cats bolt like that to GTFO, but I'm still naive it seems.

Now I just heard some weird creaks outside my upper story window. Greeeeeat. Whenever I write about ghostly crap it makes stuff start happening. :( Last time a spirit came to my window, it was a bad bad omen.......

After work, I was talking on my cell to Mom in my car in the parking lot, and something flashed by in the corner of my eye startling me badly. It paused to have a look at my car, and I saw it was a large antlered stag.

After a moment of eying me over his shoulder, his eye rolling white, the buck hopped the fence onto the lawn, a move that seemed to be made in slow motion. I could just barely make out his form traveling in the dark, and then I saw him hop the fence to the road, the moonlight caught on his shoulders. He walked down the road a bit, looking kingly while I feared a car would come, before disappearing into the field there. It was ironic cause the buck ran right across where CB's truck was parked a couple days before, when he was complaining to me that there probably weren't enough deer on the move for him to fill his permits (and freezer for the winter).

I drove to Taco Bell then cause I keep dreaming of eating enchiritos, so I figured eating one may put a stop to that. On the way back, another deer bounded in front of me, a doe I think. So I'm in for the night now. It was funny, cause I had just thought, "Now, keep alert here. What if a deer comes?". I slept--but I have been so sleepy all day. Well, slept till some idiot outside decided to test some hideously loud gas-powered RC car.

I told Mom that when I had my emergency x-rays, the foot doc had said I had "elegant foot bones". She thought that was weird. I said that I would take any compliment I can get. I think it was the mention of bones that put her off. I didn't take it as a creepy comment. The guy looks at foot bones all day for a living. If he thinks they are aesthetically pleasing as bones go--that's o.k. with me.

Though having fine bones worries me. I don't want to get osteoporosis like Grandma. This is something that keeps me up nights. I'd for sure be breaking ribs every time I had to cough.

Though if I think about it, my bones must be decently tough with all the battering they've taken over the years. My guardian angel went gray years ago I'm sure. But there's no guarantee they'll stay that way. Course, you can read all sorts of "studies", heck, the health class in school told us that eating high calcium foods makes your bones weaker, there's so much contradictory data, it's hard to tell what to do. Every time I drink milk I just think that I'm feeding my heel spurs.

It's Halloween and I'm creeped out right now.

foot, stupid work, creepy, stag, buck, deer, weird shit

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