stupid slumlord + meteor shower

Oct 20, 2010 15:22

I use this icon in an sarcastic way.

Just had like five x-rays. The doc wasn't sure, but my foot could be broken. He said stress fractures could take a week to show up on x-rays. I was sorta hoping that the bone spur snapped off, cause that's what it feels like, and then I could get it taken out yay, but no, that's made of super strong bone that refuses to go away.

My foot and ankle are definitely sprained. Plus dislocation of the patella. He laughed at how nonchalant I was about that part. I was like, "Yeah, I keep shoving it back in where it's supposed to go, dumb thing". My knee popped so loudly in front of the receptionist that she jumped. It felt much better after that. Finally got the thing back in place I think. The swelling is way better today that it was last night. I iced it till I fell asleep. Less water balloon knee now--but if you compare the two you can see how messed up it looks.

I had to put all my comforters on the bed to sleep cause I was so shocky I couldn't stop shivering. My knees is scraped up, and my ankle and foot got scraped through my shoe when I pasted in on the cement. And my hands aren't too happy either, that palms are throbbing from stopping my momentum, but I would rather have sore hands than smash my face into the cement that hard, which could have been fatal. I hit hard enough to dislocate a joint and possible fracture bone--yeah, your head isn't designed to take forces like that.

Doc told me my foot might turn purple, "don't worry if it does", that's normal when you have trauma like this. Also, I have an extra sesamoid bone in my foot. He said it might be there naturally, or one of mine broke in half sometime. I thought of when my sister deliberately dropped that iron on my foot cause she's an evil bitch. Course, all the times horses have stomped on me, it would be hard to say for certain when that happened. My parents' attitude is "SUCK IT UP WUSS" to injuries, unless it's them, then they are dying DYING I tell you.....

The Orionoid meteor shower last night was cool. It's gonna go all week, with Thursday night being the peak night. I could see them even standing in a parking lot with the lights there, so if they can be see in your part of the world, check them out.

There would be a little streak, and then suddenly a big one fives times the size of a star would streak in an arch of blue-white fire across the heavens. Just beautiful! I plan to hobble out again tonight to see them. Good thing I kept my old crutches.

The Orionoids are easy to find. You don't have to be an astronomer or have a telescope. They are thought to be remnants from Haley's Comet. They seem to originate, from an earthly perspective, according to the news, from what looks to be the brightest star in the constellation, which is actually a nebula. But basically, find Orion, and just watch that part of the sky. I found I saw the most if I focused on the belt or sword, but the biggest meteors were farther out from that.

stupid apartment, hurt, meteor shower, fell down the steps again, fell, bad foot, orionoids, stupid slumlord

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