my workplace is run by evil

Sep 16, 2010 03:21

So the gregarious Mr. CB has been hospitalized the last two weeks with a list of life-threatening emergency health problems, including having the blood flow cut off to his large intestine, something of which his aunt had just died from earlier this summer. Mr. CB was immediately sent a notice from his employer that he hadn't worked there long enough to get medical leave, or qualify under FMLA. It read--HA You're Totally Fucked!

CB told me he had passed out for 45 minutes in the restroom at work, and NOT ONE person went to check on him. And then they made him finish out his shift.

I would have checked on him. I have checked on him. But I wasn't there that day.

I also told him to get his health taken care of before he ended up in the hospital. (It's easier to say than do :P) He'd been skimping on meds cause he couldn't afford them--I hear that.

So he was told by his specialists that he needed to be off work for three weeks. His employer laughed himself sick, and told him to get himself in to work, or he wouldn't have a job. You only get two sicks days a year, and you've gone way over that and then some.

So, not being financially able to become suddenly unemployed, CB dragged himself to work. Catbert quickly made him sign a stack of waivers absolving the store of any liability should he drop dead from their asshattery. Then he laughed himself all fuzzy.

When I got to work, CB had been there only an hour and was leaning heavily on the counter to keep himself upright. There were a couple times he went dead white and started shaking, and I was sure he'd pass out or go down. I lunged to catch him once when he suddenly collapsed sideways, even though he probably has 100lbs on me, but he was able to stay conscious.

He made it through today, but he was worried about Thursday already. He said, "Well, this may be it." I tried to find someone who could take his shift so he could at least have a day to rest in between, but to no avail. Posh offered, but has to share a car and couldn't get there at that time. He didn't want me to take it since it was obvious that I was having as much trouble standing as him; my foot has gotten much worse since I pulled it trying to struggle up the hill to my bloody flat. I need my days off as much as him.

So once again the stupid store proves how evil and heartless they are. I am darkly amused by how shocked the newbies are by this, they think I make up stories about the managers forcibly dragging me to get a flu vaccine that I am allergic to, leaving a passed out pregnant employee on the floor while the boss stood over her body and tried to check out customers, making a woman with a life-threatening condition reschedule her surgery the night before cause they suddenly decided it was too close to the holiday, refusing to let an employee in active labor leave her shift even though many, many others offered to stand in for her, and she had a complication that could have killed or seriously brain-damaged her unborn, and so on.

Jabba greeted CB with acute hatred. He leaned over to tell me something about his health when I arrived, and Jabba rudely and loudly chased customers out of another lane, and over a couple lanes more, to our lanes to stop us. Ooooooooo, big deal. We are allowed to have a quick quiet word when there are no customers present, and most HUMANS would consider asking someone who had been in a hospital for two weeks fighting for their life if they were all right upon their return proper polite behavior. Decent, normal behavior. Even most psychopaths can fake it Jabba you bitch.

She spent the day glaring evilly at us from the office, or circling us over and over angrily, like a rabid animal waiting for a chance to draw blood with a hateful comment or action. She totally ignored him and refused to bring him change so he could, you know, do his job. Catbert came up by his station randomly, and then CB asked again for change within Catbert's earshot, so Jabba turned all sniveling and sickly sweet in Catbert's presence and got him money. And since Catbert was gone by then, she threw it at him when she walked by.

CB has done nothing I can see to make Jabba hate him so, but she's always had a special hatred for the gregarious and sociable people. CB is friendly, likeable, shows genuine human concern to others (he actually noticed I have a bad limp and asked if I was okay when he started--I've been barely able to walk since November--he's the first to comment on it in any way!), and knows many of the customers by name from just living here. This drives her craaaaazy, cause she is an evil psycho bitch. No normal person would find someone who is kind and friendly so threatening that they must do whatever they can to get rid of them as soon as possible and make them as miserable as themselves in the meantime.

That's the only explanation I can reach that has anything rational to it--she's this twisted, miserable, evil creature that can't understand why she isn't in Catbert's place and fawned over and treated like a god. All the employees and customers should love her. And then there is this person that prompts positive reactions in people, something she feels she deserves, but she cannot make the connection that being a crazy, manipulative, underhanded, sneaky, backstabbing, spying, evil bitch causes people to revile her, cause no matter how sickly sweet she can play it at times, we all can smell the rot in her heart.

Jabba does have her favorites that she will pamper as much as she punishes others. Jabba gave her pet Nursegirl a bracelet today made out of potatoes that she got at PotatoFest. I did not know there was such a thing, but I suspect the Irish were involved.

Anyhow, it's raining softly now, and I'm fighting the strong urge to sleep cause I feel I should clean something before I zonk out. I went to the Farmer's Market today and got lots of fresh goodies to eat. The last few days have been just lovely, just perfect weather after the hellish heat. anyway, if the damn neighbors will STFU and stop smoking weed under my window for a day, I can sleep in for once and take it easy before I have to go back and deal with this idiotic politicking again.

evil is as evil does, stupid work, cow-irkers, catbert, jabba, evil employer, evil boss, bitch, evil deeds

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