setting the record straight

Apr 20, 2010 07:02

I can't breathe well if I lay down. Blah. I'm still sick, but I am healing. You see, in addition to discovering that I can't karate chop through my desk, somehow I got four long scratches on my other arm, that of course turned bright angry red. Weirdly, they appeared the morning after I watched the trailer for the Nightmare on Elm Street remake :P

Anyway, I woke up with these mysterious scratches from my mid-bicep to the middle of my forearm. I went to work, rolling up my sleeves cause the 4 inch long contusion on my other arm from the desk could not bear even cloth to touch it, and I'm still saying I'm lucky it didn't break, and I notice people are giving me the eye all day. A weird look....and I can't figure why.

Then it hits me. My face is still bruised on the jaw and swollen on one side. My allergies have been bad so I have purple circles under my eyes. Then I have these scratches, and I hit my hand on something at work trying to squeeze between people and bruised the knuckles, and I also have this giant purple lump on the other arm--people must be thinking I got beaten up by somebody! That's all I can figure. I'm getting the "her boyfriend's a douche" look out of the corner of people's eyes. Like, "so stupid for letting that happen". =:0

Yeah. As if I'd put up with that. *ignores the correlations between her horrible job and an abusive lover*

Oh yes, at work they had us grunts suggest names for our "Wellness Team" and vote on them. And then we get to buy t-shirts with our team name on, yay :P They come free if you sign up for a 5K race. With sappy names like Wellness Warriors, and Health Heroes out there, I felt a little evil and put in a few suggestions of my own. Like one for Team Edward, and one for Team Jacob. Team I'd Go Gay For That. Soy Scouts! The Lard-A-Lots, Middle-aged Caucasian Gym Heroes, and I can't recall what else.... I had one where all the letters spelled out LOSERS. Oh yeah, and don't forget the Fitness Athletic Team, aka FAT--that one almost won!

Team Edward got the most votes, even though we were told to not vote on that. You could tell who was picking that cause they'd be sighing over their ballots *snerk* Of course management went with something banal of their choice in the end. Think of how many more T-shirts they would have sold if they went Team Edward, or with something funny.

hurt, stupid work, sick

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