Mar 31, 2010 01:59
Why the hell do I have to have a root canal?! If I had a better dentist in the first place I wouldn't be having this problem. Actually, if my parents had cared enough to get me dental care more than once in my life and braces, I wouldn't be having these problems either.
So the infection is spreading throughout my neck, shoulders, and I could barely raise my head to get up Monday, which riled out my planned fun visit to the farm, and ended up with me just staying in bed all day with an icepack and counting minutes to the next time I can take painkillers. (My brother-in-law keeps asking me what I've been doing for fun, and I can never think of anything. Ummmm, got online and the site that was supposed to have cute dog stories suddenly opened itself sixty times and tried to screw up my computer, and yet my browser refuses to let me access my own dang blog for security reasons--way to fail thing.)
I somehow made it to work Tuesday. I called the dentist, didn't get much from him, like STRONGER ANTIBIOTICS, but he referred me to an endodontist who might be able to get me in sooner.
What's an endodontist?
Oh yeah, dentist tells me if I'm "uncomfortable, I can take two Motrin". Yeah. I took two year old Vicoden I still had, and five Motrin and that didn't do shit.
I'm more concerned that this abscess is going to blow out my cheek like Jabba's did, and the fact that I can barely swallow, or talk--my voice is super raspy, it's hard to force it out, and my ears are going to blow out any second, everything sounds like it's underwater, and I feel so queasy I can't eat anything, and I'm sweating buckets and shivering and have a horrible headache still and really feel quite similar to having the massive cellulitis infection after my surgery debacle. But those two Motrin will clear that right up. ~>:|
They claim this can do bad things to my heart--well, how about you do something about before then? How about some decent antibiotics?????!!!!!!
And the tooth they claim is causing the problem isn't even really bothering me anymore. That's fine now, just kinda warm, but it's been throbbing for ten years or more now, it's a constant of life, like my knee pain.
(My friend and I want to start a club and support group for people who got arthritis in their 20s--we were supposed to have forty more years till we had to deal with this crap. Now we might as well shoot ourselves in the head, not like we are good for much anymore. They can't do anything for old people with joint problems, and they don't believe anyone our age is suffering enough to treat, my friend has to carry around sets of x-rays to get into physical therapy cause there's always some new idiot who doesn't believe her.)
They seem to have sent me to some Iranian person for surgery. Great way to meet someone for the first time. Who cares if they are trustworthy and not a serial killer or douchebag rapist or just sadistic? Just let them render you helpless and allow them to drill holes in your head to let the demons--I mean infection out. What could go wrong?
I really want to call in sick to work, which I haven't done in three years. Oh yeah, I told the newPHB the surgery was moved up to this Monday, instead of in another three weeks and he got pissed. Oh fuck off N00b! Maybe if I let them torture me I can finally feel better....eventually. He doesn't give a shit what happens to any of us.
It's going to take hours of torture too. Oh yeah, and they want cash up front and six camels. Even the person I spoke to on the phone doesn't believe I have trouble getting numb, that's great, they think I'm making stuff up already and they haven't even seen me yet, oh dental person of the unpronounceable name. Yeah, I went to the top hospital in the state for my wisdom teeth debacle, one of the top in the country, and they didn't get me numb either. Your rinky-dink little office behind the Quick-E-Mart dumpster doesn't inspire me with confidence.
I wish I had an iPod or a CD player or something I could take to try and distract me. Last time I had something painful done I believe I dug the sharp edge of my sole into my infected torn open surgical incision to distract myself from the pain in my mouth. This is bound to hurt much more, as they are drilling out the nerves themselves. Maybe I can stab myself in the thigh with an x-acto knife.
I'm so fucking miserable right now.