(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 15:18

Work was hell yesterday. First, I was really spacey from not being able to sleep, and sore as all get out from falling down the stairs. I managed to wrench my bad shoulder, both knees, slam down the heel I can't put weight on, and twist the ankle on the other leg all on the way down. My back decided to be pretty screwed up as well.

Then, cause Island Broad keeps deciding to take over 20 minute breaks (you get 15 min), I went to go find her, and her buddy DUOC decided to lay into me. Evil old bitch. She probably thinks that if she threatens me enough I won't go to the boss. I was pissed enough to consider just walking out.

And while on lunch the cashiers realized that some of the specials weren't ringing correctly, so I flagged down DUOC before she could get out the door, so she had to spend another 20 minutes or so off the clock getting things she screwed up right. And then something else turned out to be wrong later, but after she left. She screws up that stuff every week, and I usually have to pull down an average of four sale signs left up from the week before that she missed. Legally, if the sale sign is still up, we have to sell the item for that price, so she's making us lose money.

After my lunch I felt really awful, and then I started coughing hard, and seem to have burst a blood vessel in my lung. Boy that hurt. So I'm coughing up blood and getting pretty lightheaded, and of course I can't like, sit down. No, gotta keep checking out those damn groceries.

I was starting to think I should go to the hospital cause I just could not breathe, and my head felt like it was going to burst, but after an hour or so I started to feel slightly better. I felt like I needed my inhaler badly, but when you are bleeding the last thing you need to do is dilate the tissues. That would be stupid.

I slept for over 12 hours after I got home, cause damn. I coughed up more blood this morning when I woke up, and was really super asthmatic. But I feel a lot better now. And I woke up hungry. I haven't felt really hungry in two weeks. I still think I could lay down and sleep some more, but I'm forcing myself to stay upright.

I wore the cat out playing with her. Santa brought us a feather wand toy, and I hide it most of the time, so when I get it out it's super exciting to kitty. I shoved it into one of my boots, and made it scratch around, and Mir kept darting all around the boot, mewing to it, and making these cute disgruntled noises.

She's still playing with that paper bag, actually she's sleeping on it now. She was scratching it up last night, and now is using it as a bed again. It's looking pretty beat up, but she'll still wedge her head in there and push it around the floor, and hide behind it to stalk feather toys, so I'm letting her keep it for a little longer.

It's nice and sunny out, and the snow is melting like crazy. I wish I could ride my bike around, but I think going to get refills of my meds is all my body can handle today.

stupid work, stupid lungs, asthma, duoc, sick, cow-irker

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