what i did today, plus my flat is creepy again

Feb 13, 2010 23:36

Mom came to visit today. I don't think she's been here since the PHB's barn sale, and she's been wanting to come out and have a vacation from Grandma-sitting. We were planning to see a movie, but first I needed to go to the orthopedic shoe place cause my feet hurt so bad I could barely stand at all.

They actually put the shoe on you and laced it up there--I wasn't used to such service! They had a calico cat and a green parrot in the store which was kind of cool. They had all sorts of weird sizes and widths for people with hard to fit feet like mine. They were fitting an elderly man with a built-up shoe when we came in, he had one leg that was dramatically shorter than the other, so they put together shoes so he could walk well for the first time in a long time.

In my shoes they put in an orthothic insole to help support my feet when I have to stand all day, every day. I wore my new very very, did I mention very, expensive shoes all day and I think they made my feet feel better. I took them after Mom left, and cause I was getting sorer by then, but now I think I hurt worse without support. Or maybe it's cause I took out the cat box and garbage cause Mom bitched, which was several trips to the dumpster and now my feet are complaining. I tried to last night but I hurt so bad after work it was ridiculous. I just went to bed and had very vivid horrible nightmares. I hope the tissues in my feet heal and settle down quickly cause it's not like I can take time off work to rest them.

It was weird cause the men there were talking about proper shoe fit and weight distrubution and pressure points, and all sorts of stuff I think about horse hooves and shoeing them and have never applied to myself. (For the record, I prefer myself and my horses barefoot unless absolutely necessary--I never had any problems when I used to run arund barefoot 90% of the time.)

We never got to the movies. We went to the store next to the shoe place that was part of my chain, cause they had cat food on sale much cheaper than Wally World, so we had to stock up. Well seven cents a can cheaper than Walmart, forty-five cents cheaper than the usual price there, and at the amount we usually buy cat food seven cents a can adds up. The signs were missing, but I assured Mom that the stuff we needed was in fact on sale. Usually a couple days into the week I have the sale flyer memorized, the better to answer the inevitable customer confusion over what products are discounted. It always irks me when someone in my store can't recall what their sale items of the week, when I stocked I always knew exactly what was on sale, the price, and exactly how much backstock I had of almost everything, and I took care of eight aisles. When you are responsible for four sale products you should know exactly what they are and where in the store you put them. /rant

Mom and I went to the Taco Bell near the movie theater cause Mom said she needed food or she would pass out, and by the time we got our food the movie had started. Oh well. We got those $5 boxes that were way more food than we could actually eat. I had much better food at home we could have had, and healthier, but Mom never wants to eat anything I make or buy.

Mom got a bad headache then and I was trying to show her cute videos online, but she felt too bad. As we were sitting there, something started banging on the inside of my entertainment center next to us. It was banging hard enough to rattle the things on top and on the wall. It started banging out a rhythm. Mom insisted it was the cat. I went over there and could see nothing causing all the noise. The cat was in the bedroom though the whole time. When I started poking around and calling the cat the knocking faded away.

Mom kept saying, "What was that? what could have done that?" Uhhh, this is why my fruend sent me those book on explelling demons. Which I need to start reading, right now.

I hope this posts cause when I tried to email my sister about it, the whole computer went nuts and I had to unplug it. Course it has been being stupid and refusing to let me answer comments for the last couple days as well.

ghosts, mom, weird stuff, mom visit, visit, weird shit

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