(no subject)

Jan 28, 2010 05:03

I got off work after a very cold day of snow blasting the area, and a freezing cold place of work, planning on going straight home and getting to the laundry that I'd been putting off. But my windshield wiper decided to break off, and then I had to go off to a certain Den of Evil despite icy roads and snow because I will need a stupid windshield wiper, now (it was the driver's side of course) and I am not paying to replace a windshield after the metal arm scratched a groove in it.

I am not good at replacing the blades on this car at the best of times, in blasting 30 below wind and snow and the dark Walmart parking lot I did the best I could. It didn't fly off on the way home, so hopefully it'll stay there.

My stuff better be dry when I go downstairs--I suspect the dryer will be the next to go. I'm cranky from being woke up by LoudAss again--he just can't shut up.

Of course this is the day the Amish Friendship bread had to be baked. Everyone at work was talking about baking theirs today. I'd forgotten totally. I wanted to throw it out and go to bed (it still smells horrible btw) but I baked it anyway which was a long involved process, and took three times longer than I thought, and now I have four starter bags in way too small ziploc bags to pawn off on other people. After baking, the bread smells pretty good, but I feel so queasy I just want to go to bed. I've been queasy and exhausted all week--and some days I've slept like 12 hours and still I can barely keep awake.

It's still snowing and the wind is fierce. I can feel the wind in my living room coming through the windows and the cracks around the door--at least--I hope that's what it is.... >.>

I clawed the heck out of myself in my sleep the other day, and Moose said something to me today about how painful it looked. I didn't even show her the bad part. At least it wasn't like the time I was dreaming about cockroaches burrowing into my skin in my arms and face, and woke up....well, it wasn't good.

Oh yeah, the Epic Burn of He-man on Sunday--still too funny. He-man was being a bossy prick all day, even after DUOC snapped at him. That afternoon I sent Island Woman to lane 4, which everyone hates, and she bitched and moaned. I bribed her with getting to pick whether she went on break first or second since she and another person had the same shift that day, cause I'm nice like that.

No sooner than she stops whining then He-Douche comes up, points at her and says, "Haha, you're on lane 4!"

You little shit, I thought. So I pointed at him and said, "Haha, you're (his name)!"

Four people burst out laughing. He asked me icily to repeat it. I did, slowly :P He hunched his Frankenstein shoulders up to his ears, made a face and stomped off in a strop, while people roared in laughter. And like ten seconds later Moose came up and asked what was wrong with him, cause he was in an epic snit and we all laughed again.

It really wasn't that funny--but his reaction made it that funny. Later I found that in the clique of assholes in the back, He-man's name has become synonymous with FAIL, and they'd been teasing him terribly that way, so I just by luck blurted out the best burn to take him down a peg I could have thought off.

The new PHB at work has been making ass-retarded changes and rules all month to show how managerish he is. Since like 1939, we've called gift certificates such, but now we must call them paper certificates, not that the computer has room for all those letters. So in various areas you look for "paper certif" or "paper certificat" and such. He had a new system put in for all card payments, two days after the newbies started, so they had to learn all over again. Gee, could we have trained them AFTER you changed everything so we didn't have to train them twice? Only a couple of us were told about the changes, so continually people showed up, or came up front to help run a register, and discovered they could not actually use it after they totaled a customer up. Duoc was one of them--and she was trying to ask Dumb Blonde for help--you can imagine how well *that* was going. Duoc was quite pissed at the new manager for not telling anyone they'd changed things.

Now the new PHB has decided that employees must be stealing from the store, so has instituted several really annoying new rules about anything we bring in, buy, leave in the fridge, or take home. Rumor (as in, some guy overheard a conversation, but didn't catch everything) has it that it's Jabba's fault, not cause she complained for once, cause he thinks she's taking things. She has come up front with an armload of pops every day after her shift, insisting that she's already paid for them. Ha, funny thing, she tried to walk out without paying for her groceries today, and I had to argue with her to get her to pay.

So management continues to find ways to make things suck more at the store. Oh, now they also have plastered our break area with all sorts of really condescending weight loss pamphlets, with titles like "Your Excuses for Not Exercising". My excuse? I work at this dumb store where I stand 9-10 hours+ a day and my feet, knees, hips, back, neck, shoulders, fingers, and wrists hurt constantly as a result. Oh yeah, and they're too cheap to pay for heat, so I stand shivering in a winter coat all day, and I eat bad hot foods cause it's too hard to go hungry when I'm so fricking cold.

I'd make a sandwich for work tomorrow, but I'd have to make sure I had receipts for the bread, ham, mayo, lettuce, mustard, and the plastic wrap all taped to it to actually not get fired for bringing it to work, so I'll just eat crackers for lunch again I guess.

stupid work, cold, epic burn

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