santa's on his way....maybe

Dec 24, 2009 22:53

Grandma fell and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital this afternoon while I was at work. She broke her upper arm near the joint, so close that it cannot be casted, and she might have to have surgery. I cannot see how they can pin it together successfully when her bones are so soft. Thankfully she did not break her hip as well, she just hit it hard. She fell right by her bed, she doesn't even know how she fell, cause she's too confused to remember it.

Mom had told me Grandma had been really happy cause I sent her a card that looked like the seaside in Jersey when she'd lived most of her life, and a Christmas card too, and she was showing them around to people all over the nursing home. She was upset that she was taking time away from Mom's Christmas preparations, and wanted her to go and leave her....

I've been laying in bed since I got off work. I ran around like crazy all day. It was very very busy and I was still wiped from being so sick. Plus the PHB was there and HOVERING over me all day. There is ice rain coming down like crazy outside, and it is almost impossible to walk out there, so I am not attempting to get down the steep hill and stairs to wash clothes for tomorrow. Dad heard dire weather things on the news, like this ice rain may not stop until the 26th, or that Saturday we might get 15" of snow... Mom's already saying we might not celebrate Christmas on Christmas, and just wait until the next day. Mom was planning on cleaning all day, she's more frantic than usual cause my sister's father-in-law is coming. I guess by the time she got out of the hospital and got Grandma some food and painkillers, the only place still open was Wally World, and it was full of loud gangbangers. Well, she made it home alright.

At work, Psychobitch couldn't handle the holiday traffic, and was about to get her cranky ass sent home for being rude to customers when her shift ended anyway. Her drawer was way off too. She was working on me since about 3pm yesterday to get sent home then to beat the weather cause she "lived so far away" and was "concerned about traveling safely".

I said, "Um, you live like 2 miles away. And the bad weather isn't supposed to start till Christmas Eve night--tomorrow." Then she called me at like 9pm from home wanting me to send staff home cause the bad weather could start any minute, and also to tell me why I should send people home early Christmas Eve as much as possible, like her, and telling me why this was good management. Yeah, good management is taking advantage of the holiday to make as much money as possible, and that means having enough staff to keep customers happy, and bad weather only brings in more people, so bring it on!

She whined today alllll frickin' day about everything, so when she saccharinely asked me to go back and check her three items of stock (given to her cause she threatened to sue the store if they didn't--so they gave her the PMS products---BAHAHAAAAA!) I said sure, but she had to switch out with the poor girl on the service counter who was bored to tears. Well, Psychobitch didn't want that--but she got stuck there anyway. I was going to put Tallboy there, but since she offered *evil grin* Really, I try to move people around so they don't get stuck all day in a section they hate, so everyone gets screwed a little, but no one gets completely shafted.

Oh yeah, fellow employees told me Psychobitch smelled so horrible today several of them almost vomited when she got close, and they wanted me to do something about it. What I am supposed to do about that?! \o/ Take her out back and hose her off?

Okay, I admit that would be fun, hosing her down in the meat locker with a fire hose....but I can't really do that. Really. Unfortunately.

Anyway, so many people came up and wished me a good holiday I was feeling good. One man who takes elderly people who can't drive anymore to the store came up yesterday and held out his hand to me. I was confused--did he want to shake my hand? I put my hand out and he clasped my hand between his and sincerely wished me a wonderful Christmas with all the best things of life. Ooh, made me blush!

I wish all my friends and F-list and lurkers the most wonderful Christmas (or day off) tomorrow, and safe traveling to all! Merry Christmas!
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