"as the shoppers rush home with their treasures"

Dec 21, 2009 19:26

I mailed off some cards at the Post Office today and met my friend's hubby there--they live very far away now but are in town for the holiday. He said they'd been trying to email and call me and nothing was working--huh? My mom's been getting through. They had the right numbers...weird.

People kept saying hi to me while I was waiting in line and chatting with him. He said, "Wow, a lot of people know you." I do, all from the store.

I didn't have addresses for most people so I will have to finish cards later when I can pin Mom down to read me them over the phone. I wanted to make cards really badly, but I didn't get my painting done for them. Oh yeah, Mom said she didn't have time to read addresses over the phone and talk, but she had time to hold the phone up to the dog's ear and make me talk to her. *headdesk*

The ground is slushy but the air is bitter and my place is torn apart to move furniture and get Christmas decorations out and now company may be coming tomorrow--EEK!

The car was covered in ice and several inches of snow on top. I used up my personal day to work on Christmas presents and ended up with a three-day weekend--which was NICE, but it's back to work tomorrow. I never get two days off in a row ever, I work like five days to get one day off and then another 4-5 or as much as 11 till my next day, so I kept waking up and freaking out that I was late for work several times every morning.

The forecast is getting worse for Christmas travel--Mom is fretting over people getting there safely. I told her I'm traveling in daylight if at all possible. She wants me there for Christmas morning, and I'd like to be there, but I also like my own heated bedroom and not driving in freezing rain and ice in the night.

I remember going out there one time for Christmas and the Interstate was down to 20mph (it's supposed to be 70mph) from ice and the piles of snow coming down, and everyone was traveling super close together, one mistake and there would have been 60 cars piled up in seconds. It was stupid. And you'd try to hang back from the guy ahead of you and some idiots would try to jam their car into that space.

It's so windy for most of that stretch, the wind alone can blow your car off the road when it's that slick, and people were shifting lanes like crazy when it was all you could do to stay on the road in the first place. I hate holiday traffic. Then you get the out of staters who don't go by the same traffic laws for stoplights and think you should stop before merging into traffic, and you're trying to get speed up and all of a sudden the idiot in front of you stops dead and puts their blinker on.

The bil's dad who had the heart attack is coming for Christmas now. And we're having a Dearborn ham--the best ham you can get without raising it yourself (that I've had). My sister hates ham so Mom never makes it; my sis wanted steaks for Christmas but the grill only has one working burner, so cooking for a large group is out and ham won. *does a jig* I hope Mom makes those cheesy potatoes to go with it. \o/

I wonder if it's something to do with my dieting, but my nails have been really thin lately and in the last week and a half, three of my nails have broken/ripped off down into the quick, enough to bleed. What the heck is going on here? I'm running out of fingers! I'm trying to sew and stuff with bloddy raw finertips and it sucks hard, and I'm kinda scared cause it keeps happening. Whose nail rips off when they are peeling an orange?

After I got some non-diet approved chow after the trip to the Post Office, I couldn't get out the direction I wanted, so I had to take sloppy back roads home and ended up driving around looking at Christmas lights around the lake and the canals. People put more lights going down to the water than by the road. Someone had a lighted Santa on their dock fishing. One guy whose house has lots of porches always have lighted trees on them, and this year he had only had four, one in the yard, one inside you could see fully through the glass, and two blue lighted trees on his porch. So there were three levels of trees for one house. I love blue lights, they're my favorites, and some year I'm going to do a tree all in blue lights with blue and gold decorations.


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