the road not taken

Oct 21, 2009 02:27

I came in just in time--it's now pouring out there so hard I can't hear the tv. But it's warm like summer rain, and I even saw a flash of fuchsia lightning light up the sky. And yes, I was wearing my jacket, the army green one, cause I just got over some fairly serious lung problems, not even counting the past few days.

I went out cause the green metal electrical box behind the apartment was humming ominously. Since it is usually completely SILENT, this was rather alarming. I looked for a number to call cautiously, in case it blew up or something, and got the heck out of there. And I called, and they are sending someone out to check it out. Good thing I didn't just ignore it.

I notice I'm the only one in the whole complex who bothers to call when the power is out. If more people complained, the power would get restored much faster I bet. Why do I have to be everyone's mother?

I went out to take pictures today so of course it was very dark and gloomy. The color is getting spectacular. You know, Jabba bullied me out getting my vacation last week, and she got cold rain every day, frost at night and snow, HAHA THAT'S KARMA beyotch!

I went to the great big lake that's close by to take pictures. I stopped at a littler one on the way to take shots, and there was a big flock of ducks swimming on it, and six elegant swans. I got some pictures at the big lake, and the color around the lake would have been brilliant if the sky cleared up. The clouds kept changing while I was there and a weird formation formed in the west and a bit of the sunset peeked through, I have to load those shots onto my computer and see if it actually captured it right. The digital camera has been lousy at getting sunset shots so far compared to a film camera.

There was a pair of fresh red roses left right at the edge of the water. I wondered if someone had been romancing someone else, or if they were to commemorate something or someone. I took shots cause the beautiful roses left in the debris and seaweed on the sand seemed rather artfully symbolic.

I went to look for a nice shirt to wear for my birthday then, and get cat litter and camera batteries. I may have sped a little cause I was not paying attention, and may have passed a cop, and with the hills and winding roads decided to start turning corners quick in case he decided to follow me.

The road was beautiful. I'd never been there before. I drove to where the road elbowed sharply and there was a beautiful elaborate old farmhouse that was straight out of dreams I've had. Seriously. OMG I thought.

I went further and guess where I ended up? The Alpaca Lady's house! I recognized her animals. She's gonna think I'm some kind of creepy stalker!

I kept going and the road got prettier and prettier. The trees were mostly maple and bright gold. I groped for my camera with the dying batteries cause I had to take shots even if it was dark and gloomy. I came to a bend and the most perfect composition for an autumn painting appeared before me. The trees of the street were gilt with gold around ebon trunks, glowing bright even in the dim light, and even the earthen road was the red ochre of autumn standing out boldly in front of the green misty grasses of the fields beyond. If it clears up tomorrow I'm going back for better reference photos.

It was very reminiscent of Dad's giant painting over the couch, which was inspired by a card from Mom's grandfather that she kept for years before Dad agreed to paint it for her. I could make my own version of that scene, but original and all Jade. My university painting prof that soured art for me ever since would hate it, which means it'll actually look like what it is. *evil grin*

Eventually I went and found a nice shirt to wear. And cause it's Breast Cancer Awareness month, I got pink batteries for my pink camera :) I wanted to make apple pie tonight, but it's so late--where did the time go?

This rain better clear up so I can get my photos of that road.

painting, vacation, adventure, autumn, road, photo

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