(no subject)

Sep 11, 2009 03:35

The damn phone company promised to pay back my money, but called me today and said that they changed their mind. They decided that it was my fault they took all my money. So pissed.... I really need that money to pay some bills. I'm wishing we already had Obamacare, I wouldn't be trying to sell all my stuff to pay for my damn surgery.

I started watching Trigun today. It is not what I expected at all. It's quite entertaining, and today I *needed* entertaining. Everyone says the manga is better (when is that NOT true?) so someday I will have to read that too. Vash is such a weirdo, he's great. The episode where the gunmen are holding hostages in the bar, and he's got headphones on and is dancing down the street to the bar, and not noticing that they're shooting at him, and the sheriff's posse' commentary of the whole thing....omigoshhhhhhhhhh LMAO!

I just read a fanfic crossing over Fullmetal with Trigun. Could be interesting, you say. If done well, most crossovers could be good if the author put some thought into them, and drew on parallels between the shows, but most fail badly. This idiot author failed majorly.

She has Ed and Vash team up together. They decide to take out some outlaws, and proceed to slaughter them savagely and unrealistically. "Whoa whoa whoa!" I sat up, "Vash and Ed NEVER try to kill anyone, hell that's the whole point of Trigun!!! Treating everything sentient as a person who has value is one of Ed's most loveable traits! Ed gets nearly killed several times cause he truly cannot badly harm or kill someone, even when he knows that doing so may get his own family and friends killed."

You ever want to reach through the computer and strangle someone?

Add that over half the the description and tragic backstory of a Mary-Sue, who also suddenly saves the day in the end and takes out the villan, so why were poor Ed and Vash put through all that and there at all, and I'm really ready to jam my internet fist of doom down some chick's throat. I am wound so tight, I am just not in the mood to stomach badfic. You have to wade through so much to find anything good. \o/ Why fandom why?

wank, fandom is fucking stupid, trigun, fma, fail

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