(no subject)

May 23, 2009 00:21

Now our poor Tennessee Walker Gen-Gen has pneumonia too, not just the parents. The new vets sent out a young woman instead of our usual horse vet, who was out of state. Mom asked her if it could have been passed from her to the horse or vice versa, but the vet said it was impossible. It must have blown in on the wind. There are two farms with horses within a mile upwind from us, and one for sure has always had shoddy management practices and been really against having vets out, and crap has blown on the wind to everyone downwind's horses before from them. I told Mom days ago to drive down the road and see if any of their horses looked off.

Gen-Gen had seemed to get better from what Mom thought was Rhino, but then she was off her feed and really struggling for breath today. I'm worried about Rachel, being so elderly (Mom and I are having a disagreement that won't be solved until she finds Rach's papers, cause Mom says she's 28, and say 26), but so far she's proving once again that a good Arabian is tufferenhell. Gen gets sick a lot, more than any of our other horses, it's funny to think that our 'delicate' little Arabians are so much tougher, need so much less food, and brush off much harsher weather than the big royally-bred Walker can handle. That goes for pretty much every other type of horse we've had, or cared for, except for the Morgan/Morgan-crosses--those guys were awesome in every way too.

It's a good thing after all that I wasn't able to move Baby Annie to that pasture when I was out there, she'd probably be sick too. The water from the ponds and creek was up so high then there was no way to get her to the barn from the big pasture. She's too scared to cross our narrow bridge, and we were worried then about the bridge coming off its moorings if jostled because the creek was so high (we're getting into river territory now). Now the water is up so high that a hair more rain and the water will be over the top of it.

If I get out there on my days off next week I'm scrubbing and bleaching the hell out of the buckets and feeders in the barn. Mom thinks it's unnecessary, I say bull, I'm cleaning everything.

Oh, today is a special day. My surgical incision is finally completely healed over! And it looks less Grand Canyon like as time goes on, the crater is filling in, though it still makes people say, "What the heck is that?!!" everytime they see it, so Jade won't be wearing shorts this summmer either. :(

gen, sick, horses, rachel, surgery

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